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"Your going after them?!" I heard Scott asked. They were clearly looking something but I couldn't see because I had my head buried in Isaac's chest.

We were sat on the couch and Isaac played with my hair. "Tomorrow. And your gonna help us!" I heard Derek reply.

"So do you just have a plan?" I asked as I finally removed my head from Isaac's chest.

"We go after them and kill them!" Boyd said

"So killing them first that's your plan?!" Scott asked. I know he's against killing people. He just doesn't understand when you need to kill someone.

"They won't even see it coming!" Boyd said. They definitely will.

"Why is the default plan always murder? Just once, can someone try to come up with something that doesn't involve killing everyone?" Scott explained

"You never get tired of being so blandly moral, do you? Not that I disagree with him." Peter said trying to be 'nice' to people.

"I do. Why do we need this kid?" Cora said she slammed her hands on the table then she pointed at Scott.

"This kid helped save your life. And you know we can't just sit back and wait for them to make the first move." Derek yelled to Cora

"You can't beat a pack of alphas. I know cause I've tried!" I said holding back some tears. Isaac hugged me from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"That's why we're going after Deucalion, just him" Cora said.

"Cut off the head of the snake and the body dies." Boyd said.

"Only this isn't a snake, it's a hydra. And like Elena says, they're all alphas." Peter said

"But Deucalion's still the leader right!?" Isaac asked.

"Let's hope so. Because you know what happened when Hercules cut off one of the heads of the hydra?" Peter explained.

"Two more grew back in its place." I said. I love Greek mythology it's my favourite mythology. It's soo cool

"Somebody's been doing their summer reading." Peter said but I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic.

"No I just know a lot about Greek mythology" I said to peter. I smiled at him then I kissed Isaac on the cheek.

Then we all agree on the 'plan' I knew Derek and the others were planning something different. But I went along with it.

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