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-Isaacs POV-

"this is her bike!" I said as we saw the bike on the ground. It looks like she dropped it. But why?

"She went this way!" Scott yelled over. I ran and followed her trail. I could smell blood. Is she hurt. Shit.

"She was her and she was with a few other people and there's blood on the floor!" Derek said.

I followed the trail of blood and then I saw Elena. She was bleeding. They were black. The blood. she was freezing. Eyes closed. "I-I-Isaac" she whispered weakly. I smiled at her. She's okay kinda. Her eyes opened slightly but wanting to close again.

"Hey! Hey stay awake ok!" I said to her. I picked her up. Her head rested agains my chest and her arms wrapped around my neck.

I ran up to Scott. "We need to get her to the clinic" I yelled to Scott and nodded and we all headed back to the Jeep.

I put her in stiles Jeep and I got in with her. Her head resting on my lap. Scott and stiles were sat in the front seat. She moved a little. I took some of her pain away but it's too much. I couldn't help.

Then we finally got to the clinic. I put her down on the table. Her eyes were shut. "Elena! Elena please wake up!" I whispered to her. But nothing.

"Her wounds are from two different alphas!" Derek said looking at her wounds. How can he tell.

"I can give her something to help her wounds heal but the rest is up to her!" Deaton said as he started doing his thing.

Then after a while he told me  I should take her home. So I took her home and I placed her on her bed.

I sat next to her and I held her hand until she woke up. Well I hope she does.

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