Flames of Angest

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she entered the company and walked up the stairs.
she saw Ali in her way to Bora's room.
A: where is Bora? is he in his office?
Ali: No. he isn't. he is upstairs. he is in Terrace talking with Tuğçe. it doesn't also look like he is talking calmly with her
A: it will be more...
Ali: what?
she didn't answer. she just walked up the stairs and went in Terrace.
Bora saw her.
B: hoşgeldin Ada hanim. (welcome miss Ada. ) i can't remember i let you to go out of company in work hour. hadi! tell me another lie! where have you been?

she tried not to care about his words which was a knife to her heart.
A: i want to say something to you.
B: even though i know it's lie but tell me.
A: Bora, I am pregnant.

He didn't say anything for some minutes. he stared at Ada's green eyes which have lost its shine recently.

B: this isn't my baby. we just had sex twice
A: what the hell are you talking about Bora? we can have baby with even one sex!! *she shouted angrily*
B: there is no WE! there were you and Rüzgar! and a short time you and me.
neyse you are a liar. this isn't my baby.
A: But Bora you know i haven't been with anyone except you
B: i don't know you've been married for 3 years to another person how can i believe you?
A: But Bora...
B: neyse i don't care just get out of my way..
T: Bora what are you doing??
B: Tugce sus!
A: Bora how can't you believe me! you said....
B: i didn't say anything if i said it was lie like you did..... this baby isn't mine. maybe it's Rüzgar's baby
T: Bora she is right! she is saying the truth.
B: Tugce i said you to be quiet. you both are liars.. idgaf about this. now i have to go..
*he left*
T: why didn't you tell him!!??
A: Tell what?
T: DNA test! you risked it all to show him this is his baby.. and it's because of that you feel like this
A: it doesn't matter anymore. he doesn't believe me and i don't want him to accept this baby because he is regret but because he loves it. if he doesn't want it.....
*she fell down on the ground*
T: Ada! Adaa
*she shouts* : Bora!!! Bora!!
but Bora has already left the company.
T: help!! Ali! Selin! help!
Ali entered the terrace : what happened?

she wanted to say something but Ada took her hands with her low power and shaked his head to prevent her from telling the truth to Ali.

T: they fight again!! hadi. call an ambulance.

Ali called an ambulance. and five minutes later the ambulance was there. when they put Ada in Ambulance Selin went with her.

Dr: does she have any special health problem?

S: No. these last months she was in a really bad mental pressure and..
she is pregnant.

Dr: OK.

the nurse put oxygen mask on Ada's face and gave her an injection

S: how is she?
Dr: stress made her and the baby a little weak. she must be more careful and avoid stress and mental pressures, tell her husband to take more care of his wife.
Selin just said Ok.

husband? they couldn't get married... he didn't even want to see her face! take care of Ada!!?? that looks silly!! *she thought*

Selin was waiting for Ada to open her eyes. She was staring at her.
where is that naughty, happy, energetic girl! *she thought*

Ada moved a little and tried to take the serum out of her hand.
S: don't do that!
A: what happened?
*she took off the oxygen mask and took a deep breathe, a pain was annoying her waist*
S: i don't know exactly. when i reached there after you, Ambulance was there and when i asked Tugce, she said she can't say anything because Ali was there. what have you done honey?
A: i said everything to Bora!
S: and...??
A: he said this isn't my baby. *a drop of tear fell down from her green eye*
S: didn't you say anything about DNA test?
A: i didn't and i'm not going to. Selin! you won't tell Ali anything! if you say, this friendship will end for me forever!
*she started to cry heavily*

Selin took her hands and kiss her little soft hands. : i won't. i won't. but what do you want to do?
A: I'm leaving Istanbul next week. i don't care about that contract, i will leave this city and i'll live with my little angel.
S: are you going to Bursa?
A: no! i can't go there. i will go to Izmir till my child borns and then i will leave this country. i will build my world this time alone.. i don't want love. i don't want money. i don't want anything but calmness for myself and my baby.

S: you know i will always support you.

A: thank you.

S: so just keep calm. this way you would hurt yourself and your little angel. just rest a little. then we will talk about it..

the medicines made her sleep deeply, calmly, peacefully for two hours but the world out of dream wasn't going to show her easy things.

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