The Miracle

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Ali was driving his car and calling Selin but she didn't answer.
after three times of calling she answered and she talked in a low voice: Hi Ali.

Ali: Hi Selincim. How are you?
S: Not bad..
Ali: where are you? Are you still at hospital?
S: yeah. we were leaving about two hours ago when Ada passed out again and the doctor said it's better to stay here this night.
Ali: Aha. i'm coming to you Selin. we need to talk.
S: Ok. see you.

about ten minutes later Ali arrived the hospital and he saw Selin walking in the hospital yard.

Ali: Hi. are you ok?
S: Hi. i guess i am.
Ali: How is Ada?
S: not well. Ali please don't get sad and don't feel bad about me but your cousin is a complete idiot! what did he want? killing Ada? isn't it better to do it by a gun? better and easier...

Ali wanted to start the conversation about the baby so he just asked: is there anything you wanna tell me?
Selin looked straightly in his eyes. she couldn't tell lie to him but this was for her sister.

S: don't ask. i can't say.
and she seperated her way from Ali.
Ali: she is pregnant, yes?
Selin just shaked her head to show her positive answer.
Ali: Aha. don't be sad. Ada won't be mad at you cause you didn't tell me anything i found it out from Bora.
S: what did he say?

Ali skipped talking for some minutes and then started talking again: Selin, Bora can't have a baby!

S: what?
Ali: he has this problem for about three years now. but the doctor said it isn't permanent. i said him but he said he gave the test a year ago and still he can't be a father.
Ali: are you sure the baby's father is Bora?

S: are you crazy? of course i am sure. you think that Ada and Rüzgar's marriage was real and this baby is Rüzgar's baby too? they just lived together in one house. they even had seperated rooms!!
Ali: don't get angry. i'm sorry. but...
Selin couldn't control herself and said : Test was positive.

Ali: which test?
S: DNA test.
Ali: she gave that test? wasn't it dangerous for the baby now?
S: we told her but she didn't listen and she did what she wanted just to show him that this is his baby...
Ali:OMG! I have to talk with Ada.

a nurse came to them and asked Selin: are you Selin?
S: yes I am.
Nurse: Ada hanim wants to see you
S: Ok.
the nurse left. Selin said: i will tell her you want to see her. then you come.

she knocked the door and entered the room.
Ada was staring at hospital's white walls, touching her stomache.
S: kankacim, do you feel better?
A: I think I feel better..
S: Ada, Ali came. he wants to see you. there are somethings he wants to tell you.
A: did you tell him?
S: I didn't. Bora did.
A: and about the DNA test?

S: sorry. i couldn't control myself.

i can't be mad at her. *Ada thought*
A: tell him come in. but please... don't tell him that i'm leaving Istanbul.
S: Ok. i won't.

Selin left the room and a few minutes later Ali came in.

Ali: geçmiş olsun Ada.
A: thank you
Ali: how do you feel?
A: not bad.

Ali: Hmm... congratulations.
A: thank you.. *she softly touched her stomache *

after a short silence Ada asked: so did you talk with Bora?
Ali: I did.
A: what did he say to you?
Ali : Ada... there is something you must know about him.
Ada looked him straightly and wait for the rest of his sentence.

Ali: Ada, Bora can't be a father.

she moved so bad that also the serum in her hand moved in badly in her hand and made it bleeding a little.

Ali: calm down. i'll call the nurse

she interrupted him and took his hand : wait! what did you say? how... how is this possible. Ali believe me this is Bora's baby!

Ali: i know i know! calm down. you are hurting your hand. this is for three years ago and it must be solved now..
A: are you sure?

Ali couldn't say anything about the test which Bora talked about it. he prefered to be quiet.

A: give my bag.
Ali gave her bag. she crazily was searching for the DNA test paper but she couldn't find it, because she left it on the table when she was leaving the house.
A: shit!
Ali: calm down Ada! please.
A: this is Bora's baby... i swear...
*she started crying*
Ali: I know Ada. look at me. I know. but you have to wait for Bora to find it out. I told him to give the test again tomorrow, wait till next week and then he will come to you... accepting your child. OK?

Ada couldn't say anything. she just shaked her head and accepted Ali's suggestion. she will wait till next week and again if Bora didn't believe her she will leave here forever.

there won't be any need for leaving. *she thought*

Ali: You hurt your hand so bad! i'll call the nurse.

and he left the room.

Ada touched her stomache talking with her child.
you are a miracle honey... soon your father will find it out too.

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