Broken Bridges

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Two weeks later

He was riding his way to home on an empty road, with a busy mind.
a slow music was playing and he was thinking about everything but at the same time he didn't know what he is thinking about.

His mobile rang.
it's mom or Elif. boş ver. i'll be home in a hour.
but when the voice message came he stopped the car in the middle of road and answered the phone:
+Hi. mr Doğrusoz?
B: it's me.
+ we are calling from the laboratory, you got a test result about two weeks ago...
B: yes..
+there was a problem in it that my co worker didn't find it out.. can you come to the laboratory?
B: yes. i can.

he just hanged up the phone and changed his way to the laboratory.

"this must have a problem Bora. believe me"
"how dare you can say this to me?"

Ada's sound on their last day was echoing in his mind.

he arrived the laboratory and entered.
+Hi. Bora Doğrusoz right?
B: yes.
+ Sorry Bora bey. that day our co worker wasn't careful and checked your test wrong... here it's your result. we are so sorry.

he was shocked and said nothing he just said: how this can happen?.

B: what do you mean?

a young woman came to him: Hi. I am Leyla. the one who had this mistake.. I am really sorry..

B: you do not have a single idea what you have done to my life..

L: I am really sorry.. that day my daughter was at hospital for a surgery.. I am really sorry..

Bora said nothing.

what is her fault.. the only stupid person here is me.. I did not believe her.. maybe the result is still negative.. who knows.. *he thought*

L: will you complain in court?

B: what? NO. I will not..

He found out that Leyla really needs this work and if he does a legal action she will lost her job..

B: I wont..

L: Thank you.. I am sorry again..

he got the paper and left the laboratory.
he drove his car and went home and directly went to his room.
he opened the result paper..
"God.. please... that thing which i am thinking can't be true.. please..."

but it was. he read the result paper carefully and...

he was so shocked and he couldn't move.

"this... this... is real!!! i am becoming a father... without any problem"

he didn't understand but tears were on his face.

"what have I done?? what have I done??"
he shouted and hit his table with the hand which was injured that day he saw negative result.
he threw everything on the table down on the floor and all of them broke.

"Allah kahretsin seni Bora.. Allah kahretsin"

Belma knocked the door: Bora!! what happened? are you okay?

he opened the door and without a single word left.
Belma: Bora. Oğlum. what happened?
B: leave me alone mom. i fucked up everything and i even don't know if i can make it up or not.
Belma: do you want to say something?
B: just leave me for now mom

he left the house and drove his car to Ada's house.

he knocked the door but nobody answered.
he knocked it faster and harder.

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