A Gift From Life

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Next two weeks passed crazily for them but in the positive way,
They bought their new house, and bought some new things for their house, like their Sofa, their kitchen stuff which mostly selected by Bora, not Ada!
They also ordered their room set, their bed and their closet.
Bora insisted in buying new things for Deniz's room, but Ada said it is not needed and her room set in Izmir is good, So they went to Izmir to bring them.

But above all these, the house was going to explode, cause they put everything they have bought in one room cause they decided to paint the house together, actually not all the house, but just their own room, Deniz's room and Elif's room.
They also brought Bora's desk and work stuff from his room in his father's house.
It is better not to forget how much Belma got sad when They were taking them out of their house but She helped herself by just one sentence "He is happy!"

But the most exciting part in last two weeks was their families' surprise.
The surprise which not Bora and Not Ada could expect it.
They both came home after a hard day at work and they went to park with Deniz after that, everything was looking okay when they left the house after taking Deniz.

The surprise party:

Ada finished her work sooner so She could go to BizdeBoyle, She took her purse and left her office, said goodbye to other workers, and left the building.
Her office wasn't that far from BizdeBoyle, by walking it only needed 10 minutes.

She arrived BizdeBoyle, went up the stairs and entered the corridor.
Selin saw her and ran to her: Adaa!! welcome.
A: Thank you.
She hugged her tight.
S: How are you?
A: You act like you haven't seen me for years! we saw each other last night!
S: Neyse! Do you want a coffee?
A: Of course I do when it is your work.
Selin smiled at her and took her hand and they went to Cafe.
Selin made a coffee ready for her. Ada was sipping her coffee when Selin found time for speaking with her.
S: Ada!
A: What happened?
S: How do you feel?
A: Awesome! why are you asking?
S: are you sure?
A: Yeah! why not?
S: I just thought... maybe... maybe you...
A: What are you trying to say Selin?
Selin took a deep breathe and said in low voice but fast: Maybe you and Bora got naughty again and.. and a New Ada or Bora will come.

Ada was drinking her coffee and she started to cough.
After some seconds she finally could breathe properly: Selin! what are you saying? you think I will do that again?
S: I think Ada! I do! you know why? cause you two are spending all the day together and don't want me to believe you two haven't had any naughtiness together in this duration.

Ada couldn't say anything, She just remembered last night and her cheeks went red and her body burnt inside.
S: işte bu! I was exactly talking about this.
Ada went back to the real world: about what?
S: your cheeks say everything.
A: Selin! don't make me mad!
S: I just want to know sooner if I will again be an aunt.
A: Selin! Believe me! there is nothing! I am in control! and of course I am not ready for another baby! and one more thing, our wedding is so near! of course not me and not Bora don't think about this.
S: you don't want me to believe you don't want another baby?
A: Of course We do! but not now! hadi! you messed up my mind! Now I am just thinking about wedding party, and our house, and my little daughter who passed a surgery two weeks ago.
S: Tamam!
A: Look! you messed up my mind and I totally forgot why I came here!
S: You didn't! I know it, of course you came to your fiance!
A: I did!
Selin couldn't hide her laughter and started laughing which made Ada laugh too.
S: He is in his office, of course waiting for you.
Ada stood up and said goodbye to Selin and left to Bora's office.
She knocked the door and entered.
Bora said with a huge smile on his face: Hii!!
A: Hi!
She put her purse on the couch and went to him, She relied on the desk next to Bora.
He stared at her while he was sitting on his chair, memorized every detail of her appearance like He did everyday.
A: Why are you looking at me like that?
B: Cause I love it. I love staring at you like it always is the first time.
Ada didn't say anything and just looked at him.
B: So.. what is our plan for today Ada hanim?
A: plan? do we have any plans for today? cause I don't remember.
B: I was asking you!
Ada laughed and said: for today.. we don't have any plans. we just have to go home. our bedroom's set will come tomorrow, Deniz's room painting will finish tomorrow and we need to add those stickers and our room just need setting things.

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