Surprise for Elif

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A:So i will stay here till you tell me.
B: Okay.

Bora went out of the car and knocked the door. some seconds later Hanife opened the door.
H: Hi Bora bey.
B: Hi Hanife! is Elif at home?
H: Yes she is.
Meanwhile Zafer came: Bora! Oğlum! Hoş geldin.
B: Hoş buldum Baba.
He hugged him: Baba!! I have a lot to talk with you!
Z: about?
B: you'll find out.
He shouted: Eliff!! where are you!?
He heard her sound while she was coming down from the stairs.
E: Dayiii!!
She ran to him.
He hugged her and kissed her.
E: Çok özlemiştim seni.
B: Bendeee prenses.
He put her down: I have a big surprise for you!
E: What?
B: wait here. and close your eyes.
E: Tamam.
She did what he said.

He went out and helped Ada.
He cuddled Deniz and took Ada's hand .
They went in together.
Zafer was shocked as well but Bora asked him to be quiet cause this was Elif's surprise.
B: You can open your eyes prenses.
Elif opened her eyes and saw Ada.
E: Ada ablaaa!
A: Elifcim?!
She ran to her and hugged her.
E: I missed you so much! I thought you don't love me anymore!
A: olur mu böyle bir şey!!! I love you so much!
Zafer found out that the baby in Bora's arms, is that little newborn girl he saw.
Elif heard Deniz's sound.
Deniz was looking at Elif, Elif noticed her: Ada abla, who is this cute girl?
Ada and Bora looked at each other. finding a way to explain.
Bora answered: Elif, She is Deniz, and Deniz she is our prenses.
Elif took Deniz's hand. Deniz smiled at her.
E: she is so cute. but... you didn't give me complete information!
B: what do you want to know? *He laughed*
E: What will she pronounce you two?
"This girl is getting so naughty" Bora thought.
Ada and Bora said together: Mom and Dad.
Belma: Neee?
They all just noticed that Belma is there too.
She came near to them: Adaa!!
A: Hi Belma hanim.
Belma:Hi!! what is happening here? I am dreaming! I really am! what have you just said some seconds ago Bora?
Bora looked at Ada, in place of them, Zafer started talking.
Z: Belma! This is Deniz! Ada and Bora's daughter, you are grandmother again.
Belma: No! I can't..
and she fainted. Zafer took her, Bora gave Deniz to Ada and helped his father and they took Belma to living room.
Deniz was quietly staring at them.
E: Ada abla! can I hug her?
A: Of course! why not!
and carefully gave Deniz to her.
E: She smells really good.
Deniz took Elif's hair with her hand and played with them.
Ada smiled.
E: Ada abla! can I call her as my sister?
A: Of course!! She will be so happy having a sister like you.

She took her attention from Elif, She was getting worry for Belma,
"maybe we should tell her before!" She thought
E: I want to say you something.
A: what?
She again paid her attention to Elif.
E: My grandmother got so happy and she fainted for that! I mean she wants you to come back Ada abla. don't be sad.
A: But I am not sad Elif! I am so happy!
E: really?
A: Yes.
E: Ada abla can you get her? I feel like I am going to drop her.
A: Don't scare! but if your hands are tired, that is okay give her to me.
and She took Deniz from her.
E: I will come back!!
and she ran upstairs.
meanwhile Bora came to Ada and saw Elif running upstairs.
A: What happened? is she okay?
B: yes, she is getting well, come let's go in.
A: But I am afraid if she faint again. maybe it was better to tell them before coming...
B: Come Ada!!
And he took her hand. She went behind him. when they entered the living room, Belma first saw Bora: Oğlum!! I saw such a good dream! You were with Ada again and...
She stopped talking when She saw Ada.
Belma: I am still dreaming! am I not Zafer?
Z: You aren't Belma.
B: Mom!! You aren't dreaming! I am back, I am with Ada, and our little cute daughter Deniz, and... we are getting married too..
He showed Ada's hand with the ring in it.
Z: this is new! even for me!! congratss!!
Belma: What are you saying?! Okay! I understood that you are again lovers! but where this baby has came?
B: from where all babies come!
A: Boraa!!
She whispered!
Belma: No! This can't go on like this! it has been a year you two has broken up and now you two come with a.. I think at least 6 months old baby..
B: 7 months and..
She looked at Ada for additional information.
A: 7 months and 19 days.
Bora repeated what Ada said. Belma wasn't angry but shocked.
Belma: Bora! we should talk.
He was feeling himself as a little child: Okay! but...
Belma: There is no but.. we will talk! now.. Come!
And they went to Bora's room.
Ada stood there. Zafer said: How are you kizim?
A: Thank you.
Z: sit here.
She sat next to him. Zafer looked at Deniz and said: She grew up fast.
A: yes.
Deniz was looking everywhere shocked, She looked at Zafer like she knew him, actually she did.
Z: Ada! kizim! I am so happy. I knew you went through a lot but..
Ada interrupted him: Zafer amca.. I went.. but I am writing a new start for ourselves. for Deniz, myself, and Bora.
Z: exactly the thing I expected from you.
Meanwhile Elif ran into the living room with a little pink teddy bear doll in her hand and sat next to them.
E: Ada abla! this is my gift to Deniz. I really want her to have something from me.
A: Ah Elif! this is so cute.
Zafer was looking at the doll in silence, He was thinking how kind-hearted Elif is. He tried to control himself.
Elif kindly handed the doll to Deniz. She took it with her little hands and tried to hug the doll.
A: Elif! do you want to play with her?
E: of course. can I take care to my room?
A: of course!!!
Elif took Deniz and She took her to her room and played with her.
Zafer was drowning in his own thoughts.
A: it was an important thing to her. wasn't it?
Zafer came out from his thoughts: Yes! it was her father's gift...
A: I didn't want to break her heart by saying, No it isn't needed. It was completely obvious She chose it sensitively and tried to bring her something special.
Z: You are right. you did something right.
Ada said nothing, she changed the subject: Zafer amca, can someone come and help me with bringing our suitcases?
Z: I come myself.
A: I don't want to bother you!
Z: Ada! don't talk like this!!
They went out and brought the suitcases. Ada went upstairs to see if Deniz is okay, She stood behind the door, She heard Elif was talking to Deniz.
E: you are so lucky for having them as your parents, they are awesome, and I am your sister, you can always trust me, welcome to our family little Deniz. you are so precious and lovely.
She kissed Deniz's face.
E: Here is my room, you can play with everything, you can have all of them if you want! but please.. Not my books.
Ada couldn't hide her smile. Elif was really sensitive about her books and she was telling Deniz to be careful about them.
E: Now something makes sense to me, there was you in Ada abla's stomach when I saw her at hospital!! but I don't know why my uncle drove crazy after that? that isn't making sense yet.
Ada felt an emptiness in her chest remembering those days. She took a deep breath, tried to delete the dark picture of memories in her mind and knocked Elif's room door.
A: can I come in?
Deniz showed her hands that she wants hug but did not leave her new doll, like she found out how valuable this doll is.
Ada cuddled her: Come here canim benim. You got along well with your sister, didn't you?
Elif smiled: I think we got.
A: what were you doing?
E: we were playing together.
A: So.. I won't disturb you, but Elifcim, be careful about these little things, She may put them in her mouth.
E: tamam.
Ada kissed Elif's forehead: you are the best sister in the world.
E: and you are the best mom.
Ada felt the sadness in Elif's sound, She hugged her and kissed her head tried to change the subject: I heard you play piano, you have to play for me and Deniz.
E: of course I will Ada abla.

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