The Sea and Island

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Ada woke up with a pain in her waist.
Doctor was checking her status.
Dr: Good Morning. how are you?
A: I am Okay. only my waist....
the pain got harder. she shouted.
Doctor called the nurses: Doğumhane.. hemen!
The pain got even more than yesterday.
Ada was shouting continuosly and had the doctor's hand in her hand.
Dr: Sakin Ol. breathe
Selin was coming back from Cafe teria when she heard Ada's sound.
she ran to her, took her hand.
Dr: will you come to Doğumhane with her?
S: Yes. i will.
A: it doesn't need Selin.
She said it while she was shouting.
S: don't say anything, I'll come.
Dr: Ok. no problem. you can get ready there. nurses will help you.
Selin left and they took Ada to the room: Doğumhane

Meanwhile Bora:
He woke up nervously from a bad nightmare. his heartbeat was unnormal and he couldn't breathe properly.
He was feeling this since last night. he was feeling something is happening but he didn't know what is it.
He went to the bathroom, washed his face and went to the kitchen.
He drank a glass of  cold water to put off the fire which was burning in  his body.
Belma: are you okay Bora?
B: I am. I am.
Belma: what happened to you? are you sick?
B: no I am Okay mom. I have to go.
Belma: But...

Bora was already left.
He went in his room, wore his suit and left the house.
at least in bizdeboyle he could try to think about something else, even though he knew forgetting it for some hours doesn't solve anything, but he wanted to do it.

He went in. Peril went to him:
Hi Bora Bey. Good morning.
B: Hi Peril. is there anything important?
P: No. you just have a meeting about 30 minutes later and then...
nothing important for today.
And there is something, Özgür Dünya company wants to work with us. they've sent this request yesterday...
B: Ok. send me their email. I will think about it. nothing more?
P: and there is something more left.. one of our company's car has fined in one of Istanbul's hospitals.
B: these things aren't related to me.. you know you must tell it to Aydin!
P: but I thought it is important for you.. it is Ali bey's car.

B: Ok. give me the paper.
He got the paper. went to his office and got ready for the meeting.
His mind was so complicated so he totally forgot that Ali told him he is leaving Istanbul.

The meeting finished without any problems, He went to his office, asked Aydin to come to his office to control some of workers list.

Bora was looking at the list.
B: Why Sanem doesn't come to work for 3 months now?
Aydin: have you forgotten Bora bey? she was going to give birth so you allowed her not to come for 4 months.

Something turned on in his mind.
B: you can go Aydin. everything is Ok.

When Aydin left, Bora saw the fine paper and remembered that Ali must not be in Istanbul.
He called Ali's lawyer who was working for Ali's family: Hi Aras!
Aras: Hi Bora bey! how are you?
B: Thank you. Aras I have a question. is Ali there?
Aras: No. I haven't talked with him for 5 months now. after the problem solved I haven't talked with him
B: has the problem solved?
Aras: Yes. five months ago.
B: Aha. thank you.
Aras: Have a nice day.
B: you too.

He hanged up the phone. looked at the paper and saw the hospital's name.
"this hospital... same hospital which I saw Ada there!"
He searched his calender and count the days.
"Ada is giving birth... She is giving birth... Ali is with them too.."
He left the company as fast as he could, rode his car to the hospital and went to the giving birth department.
He saw four known people there.
Ali, Yasemin, Nergis, Aslan.

Nergis saw him first:
What the hell are you doing here?
Ali noticed him: Bora!! what are you doing here?
Bora didn't know what to say. He didn't have anything to say to Ada's family.
He heard a sound from Doğumhane.
B: it is Ada. isn't she?
N: She is but Sana ne?? Defol. why are you asking about the woman you've left her in that situation.
B: Nergis hanim. I am so sorry. let me be with her now. *he was literally begging*
N: I won't let. I won't. cause if you go there you will be another pain for her there too. I won't cause she wanted herself. Defol from here.
Nergis was shouting and Yasemin was trying to calm her.
Security polices came there: what is happening here?
Ali: Bora come here. don't make everything worse.
Ali forced Bora to leave there. they went to the hospital yard.
B: what are you doing Ali?
Ali: What are YOU doing?
B: you knew where she was all the time, you saw me suffering but you didn't tell anything.
Ali: cause I promised her. She doesn't want to see you at any cost. Bora... if you want not to annoy her, leave her for now... She doesn't want to see you when she comes out of Doğumhane.
B: Ama Ali... my loved woman is giving birth and you want me to leave her now?
Ali: if you doesn't want to annoy her... yes. I want.
Bora's mobile rang. it was Belma.
B: What happened Mom?
Belma: Elif... she had fight with her classmates again.
B: what? Ok. I am coming...
Ali: what happened?
B: Elif.. she fight with her classmates again.. Godddd!! I am driving crazy..
Ali: leave Bora.. Ada is still angry.. you can't put off her angest now..
B: but...
Ali: Elif needs you now..
Bora left there Inevitably.
He went to Elif's school and entered the principal office.

Elif was sitting on a chair in principal office, when she saw her uncle, she ran to her and hugged him: Dayi...
She started crying.
B: Sakin Ol Elif. what happened?
Elif couldn't say anything, the principal said her: Elif, can you stay out for some minutes?
B: come here Elif. Sakin Ol. wipe your tears..
I'll come back now. *He said to principal*
He went out with Elif, sat on a chair and said her: what happened to you?
E: Dayi.. I don't want to come to school. they tell me that you aren't a good person because you don't have mother and father.. They annoy me all the time.. one of them said even the girl who defended me last time doesn't like me and she doesn't care about me anymore cause I am not a good person. I bit her hand..
Bora knew she is talking about Ada, when Ada was with them she solved this problem but now again...: They aren't right Elif. You are a lovely, good girl with a kind heart which can have love of all the world in it...
E: But they are right.. Ada Abla doesn't love me anymore..
B: They aren't right... look. you must be strong. even if Ada Abla was here, she would ask you to be strong. don't pay attention to them. Ok? promise me you won't do this again!
E: I'll promise..

He kissed Elif's forehead: sit here. i'll be back.
E: Tamam.

Bora went back in the principal office:
P: Hi Bora bey. take sit please.
B: Thank you.
P: Elif again..... she had fight with one of her classmates and bit her hand. I talked with Dila's family.. They won't complain... but this situation is getting worse..
B: I'll solve this. It won't happen again. ..
P: last time when you came with Ada hanim, she really affected on her... if you can come with Ada hanim...
B: unfortunately I can't...
P: so if you want you can talk with a psychologist and ask for help. maybe it helps her in this way..
B: Tamam. Thank you for your help.. and... is there any need for me to talk with Dila's family?
P: No. No.. I solved it. Elif is a really good girl... She only is so much alone now in this hard times..

Bora regreted why He hasn't paid attention to her these last months.

B: it won't happen again. can I leave with Elif?
P: Yes. No problem. Have a nice day.
B: Thank you.

He came out of the office.
E: what happened Dayi?
B: nothing Canim. let's go.

He took her hand and left the school. He helped her ride the car and he rode after her.
B: So Elif hanim.. what should we do now? what's your idea about having lunch on beach?
E: I love itttt!!
B: let's go.
He drove the car to the beach, ordered sandwiches for themselves and sat on a bench.
B: did you like?
E: it is so delicious Dayi. I love it.
B: Elif.. I love you so much.
E: I love you too Dayi.
B: I want you to promise me that you won't let anyone to annoy you.. don't let anyone ruins your pure heart..
E: I promise Dayi.
B: Bravo Sana. come here.
and he hugged her and stared at the sea.
Sea used to remind him just their first kiss with Ada..
but from now on, it was going to be a new season, not only a memory..

Meanwhile Ada:
She woke up with a feeling of freedom.
S: Ah Ada. you woke up.. finally..
A: Baby... *she said with a weak sound*
S: She is fine..
A: Thanks god.
S: You did it Ada...
A: He found me.. didn't he?
S: He did...
A: what have you done?
S: The thing you wanted..
A: Aha..

The door opened and a nurse with a baby in her arms came in.
Nurse: Hi!! how are you?
A: I am okay.
Nurse: and... here is your daughter.. congratulations..
The Nurse helped her to cuddle the baby.
When she cuddled her for first time, she felt a new feeling, a deep pure love..
The Sea pictured in her mind.. the calmness.. the way it gifted love to her..
S: Oh... Sweetie... Ada... she is so cute...
Nergis and Yasemin entered the room: Oh.. Canim...

Ada smiled.
Y: so what do you want to name her?
Nergis and Yasemin started suggesting names.
but she has already chose her daughter's name.
She said: Deniz

N: that's good. Ada and Deniz.. beautiful.

Selin looked at her. only Selin knew why she chose this name.

She stared at baby Deniz, touched her face and thought: maybe you help me to forget this angest.. maybe you wake me up from this nightmare

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