The Shine in Her eyes

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5 months later:
Days were passing and Bora was looking for Ada everyday but he couldn't find anything.
He even asked his father for help but even Zafer couldn't find anything about where Ada is.

Bora was sitting on his sofa drinking wiskey and thinking about when they were together for first time.

The night which stars were shining in Ada's eyes instead of sky..


B: so here we are Ada hanim. no one can disturb us here.

they both got off from the car.

A: so mountain house Bora bey?

B: Ada don't pronounce me bey or i won't be responsible for what will happen next?

she just smiled. her eyes looked naughty.

he took out the suitcases and they entered the house.

a soft wind was blowing outside.

Ada opened the window and watched outside: such a good weather.. magical and beauty.. isn't it?

B: it is.. it really is.. but you made it look more magical to me.

she turned back and Bora stared at her Big Green eyes shining there under the light of moon.

he walked and with long steps reached Ada.

B: sen var ya..

she just smiled.

A: do you want wine or something?

she was leaving the balcony when Bora took his arm and stopped her: no need for wine i guess. i am already drunk. your perfume..

and he took a deep breathe from her scent and closed his eyes.

Ada felt something is turning on in her body, her body temperature was rising and her face went red. Bora's perfume was making her crazy, as like as the way she was doing to Bora.

B: You are so beautiful Ada.

Ada was getting scared, even though she crazily wanted him. but she wasn't ready.

A: What about having dinner? I am so hungry. i'll make something.

B: Ok. i'll help you.

they went in and Ada started making spaghetti.
Bora helped her in cooking.
She was cooking when she felt He covered him with his strong body, He hugged her softly like if she is a special flower and He was scared to ruin it.
He kissed her neck and took her hand and they both mixed the Ketchup with the spaghetti.
after a hour and half, the food was ready on the table at balcony and they were sitting behind the table, eating together.

B: so delicious. thank you.
A: Bora?
he said while he was drinking wine.
A: are you sure no one will find out we are here?
B: I am sure. at least from my own side. you?
A: I am sure about my aunts... but...

she was worried about what if Rüzgar find them. but she couldn't say it to him.

B: but what?
A: boş ver.
B: don't worry. no one will disturb us tonight.
he smiled to her. and Ada smiled back.

The wine she drank made her a bit drunk. Bora was getting drunk too.

B: what do you think about dancing?
A: that sounds good.

he played a light music and took Ada's hand and she stood up.

they started dancing, Bora put his hands around her waist and had her in his arms.
Ada put her soft hands around his neck and touched his skin.
Bora's ear went red and he was getting mad. He was crazy about Ada and wanted to have her all but he didn't want to force her before she wanted herself.
She was the boss and if She wanted, Bora would fire the world for her.

Ada put her head on Bora's chest.
B: are you ok?
A: Yes. Okay and a bit drunk.
she closed her eyes and changed her hands place and put them on Bora's chest.
Bora closed his eyes. he was losing his control badly.
she was drawing invisible lines on his chest.

B: don't play with me. *he whispered*
Ada looked in his eyes and said: I love you Bora. more than anything... but...
she caught her eyes from him.

Bora put his hand on her chin and made her to look in his eyes again.
B: don't cut your words. say...
A: But i don't deserve you... and.. you deserve someone much better than me.
B: but i want you.. i love You
A: what if one day you get regret?
B: i won't. i will never give up on you. i won't. be sure.
Ada was playing with Bora's shirt button and opened it.
B: what are you doing?
A: I am living in a dream now. I am scared of waking up. scared of losing you.
Bora softly kissed her: you won't lose me.

Ada kissed him hard. and Bora responsed her back.
Ada felt his tongue in her mouth.
without giving up on kissing they left the balcony.
Ada's hand find their way to Bora's shirt and opened its buttons.
She hit the wall and got prisoned between him and the wall.
she put her hands on Bora's face and touched his face and stopped next to the scar on his face, Bora closed his eyes and let himself to be drowned in her soft touches.

she entered her hands in his hair and played with it.
for some seconds they stopped kissing.
Bora put his forehead on Ada's.
B: I love you. more than anything.
A: I love you too, Bora bey. *she breathed in his face*
B: Bora bey? i told you to be careful about saying this...
A: maybe i said it myself to see what would happen?
she said in a naughty sound.
B: let's see o zaman.
He cuddled her while he was kissing her again and they went to the room. he put her on the bed softly.
again Ada got prisoned between his arms and was feeling him all over herself.
He caught her lips with his lips, kissing her and Ada answered his action back.
He put his hands on her waist and with a sudden action took her clothes out and threw it on the floor.
He gave up on kissing her lips,
He kissed her neck and deeply breathed her scent..

B: Bu var ya... this makes me crazy..
Ada smiled at him.
with each kiss she could feel her body burning inside.
her body was giving reaction to the most simple actions of him.
He kissed her neck, shoulders, breasts, stomach.
She was driving crazy and her moans were all over the house.
Bora was sure he hasn't heard any sound more beautiful than this in his life.
His strong hands were tavelling all over her body.
Ada's breathes went unnormal.
B: are you okay?
A: Yes.
B: do you want me to stop?
A: No.
B: But..
A: Bora.. just do it..
and She caught his lips.
it was already midnight.
He was in her and Ada could feel the pain in her body but She was feeling the best thing that pain couldn't make it bad.
She moaned between his lips.
after a breathtaking experience they were hugging each other, putting their foreheads on each other, breathing together with a same rythym, trying to get calm.
The moon was shining in the room and lightened the dark room.
B: why didn't you tell me?
A: tell what?
B: that it is your first time. that you are virgin.
A: was it really needed? won't you have this with me if i told you?
B: i mean you've talked about your first love.. and that you have been in a long relationship...
A: can we just stop talking about this? i don't want to ruin this dream.. this was my best day....
B: anyway.. you will tell me when you are ready....
A: i will.. but not now... please.
B: Ok. let's sleep. come here..
and hugged her tight.
and They both fell sleep in their comfort place.

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