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A story just for M7654321y
There is no Hiccstrid in this story!


"Hey, did you guys see the new girl in Algebra?"

"Yes, Snotlout." Heather sighed and rolled her eyes. "We all saw her."

"She's totally into me." He bragged. "I can tell."

"Sure, just like Astrid, Heather, and Ruff." Hiccup taunted.

"Make your jokes now, for she shall become the future, Mrs. Lout." He assured.

"Did you see how fast she whizzed through that pop quiz it was like, she tapped the paper, and boom... it filled itself." Tuffnut gestured emphatically.

"No, Tuff. Some of us were actually taking the pop quiz ourselves." Astrid chuckled.

"I feel kinda bad for her." Heather sighed. "She's been here a week and I don't think I've seen her talk to anyone."

"You know, now that you mention it, I don't recall hearing her voice before." Hiccup mentioned.

"Do we even know her name?" Astrid wondered.

"Duh, Future Mrs. Lout. I just said this." Snotlout explained.

"Maybe we should check on her?" Heather suggested. "Just to make sure she's okay."

"Heather, you're not falling for the new girl already are you?" Astrid smirked knowingly.

"Yeah, right. I learned my lesson when you came along." Heather laughed it off.

"I don't know." Hiccup teased. "Looks like somebody wants her to be the future Mrs. Oswald."

"Look, I'm not denying that she's cute, okay. What's the point, you would know I'm lying. But I just wanna make sure she's okay, that's all. I remember what it was like being the new girl. But now I have you guys. She doesn't have anybody."

"And the drama unfolds," Ruffnut announced.

"Who will our mystery girl choose as her High School Lover?" Tuffnut added. "Will it be Heather the black-haired beauty..."

"Or the guy called Snot?" Ruffnut joked.

"Or will she surprise us?"


"Hey." Heather greeted the mysterious brunette, who was sitting alone in the cafeteria scribbling in her notebook. "Mind if we join you?" The girl scanned the group before returning her gaze to Heather. She smiled and nodded in confirmation.  "I'm Heather." The group all took turns introducing themselves. "What's your name?"

"Oakley." She muttered quietly, almost as if it were a secret.

"What are you working on?" Astrid questioned as she sat down beside her and tucked into her lunch. Oakley slammed her book shut and clutched it to her chest.

"Nothing. Just, art homework."

"You like art?" Hiccup wondered. The young girl shrugged.

"Can I see?" Astrid asked. The young girl hesitated but passed her book over. Astrid carefully turned the pages to see it filled with sketches of; "Dragons huh?"

"Really?" Heather thought. "You didn't strike me as the dragon type."

"I love them," Oakley admitted, fidgeting her fingers nervously. "Ever since I was little."

"Gods, you sound like Hiccup," Astrid noted with a chuckle before turning the page. "These are amazing. How long have you been drawing?"

"A few months, I guess." Oakley shrugged.

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