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High pitched screams echoed through the hall as blue shocks covered the walls.

"Astrid, back at the tree, you said you trusted me?" Oakley reminded.

"Oak, what-"

"Astrid, do you still trust me?" She checked.

"Yes," Astrid confirmed. Oakley spun around to face her, grasping her shoulders.

"Then I need you to do something for me. And it's gonna sound crazy, and stupid, but it's important."

"You had me at crazy." She said.

"First, get Hiccup out of here. The lighting is drawn to metal so he's vulnerable. You and Heather need to get as many people as you can out of the building." Oakley explained. "Then I need you to go to my place, and tell StarGazer something."

"Tell him something?"

"Yes," Oakley said. "Just one word..." She leaned in and whispered something in Astrid's ear. "Then... and this step is the most important... do not, under any circumstances come back into this building!"

"Oak, what in Thor's name is going on?!" Heather panicked.

"I think I know." Astrid tapped Heather on the shoulder as she stared at the large pile of rubble left behind from the collapsed ceiling. They followed her eye line to find a large, a very large, mysterious figure standing above the broken parts of the building. His face was pale and blue, with electricity crackling across his cheek. His hair, whiter than snow and sticking straight up.

"Well, well, well." The mysterious figure clapped. "I must congratulate you. You have been most difficult to find." He stepped off a large piece of brick and floated safely to the floor.


"You know him?" Heather shrieked.

"Oh, little Oakley and I go way back." The male figure stated. "Don't we little sister?"

"I am not your sister!" She hissed.

"Oh, but father does miss you so." He taunted.

"He's your father. Not mine." She corrected.

"He raised you."

"He used me!" She snarled. "He used both of us. Don't you see that?!"

Rumble let out a growl as more of the ceiling collapsed under a lightning strike luckily causing enough of a distraction for Oakley to start ushering people out of the hall.

"Go," Oakley ordered.

"Oak, there is no way you are staying here." Astrid thought.

"Astrid, I told you. With power comes responsibility." She explained. "Get everyone out, and stay safe!" She ordered before rushing back into the hall.

Astrid took a deep breath before doing as told.

She led everyone to the exit and they all parted, racing home as fast as they could.

The group all raced to Oakley's apartment.

"Wait, you're telling me that Oakley lives here?!" Snotlout wondered.

"Yes and don't touch anything unless you wanna get roasted," Astrid warned. She shoved Hiccup on the couch and tore off his prosthetic leg. "Say away from metal. Don't touch it. Don't even look at it. Okay? Just sit here. If you see blue sparks, run!"

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