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"Okay, class." The coach called. "Same groups, you know the drill." The class split into their usual groups and set up their mats for self-defense. "Okay, I want Hiccup working with Fishlegs. Astrid, you're with Heather, and Oakley you're with Snotlout."


Oakley was having a little trouble keeping up. She blamed that on her recovery, she wasn't losing by any means, but Snotlout was still standing which meant she definitely wasn't at her best.

"What's the matter? Am I too much for you?" Of course, Snotlout's ego was definite fuel. "Can't handle this much manliness, huh?" He joked as he bounced around like a lunatic, trying his best to show off, yet failing miserably. A few more minutes passed and Snotlout had managed to tackle her to the ground, he laid across her, keeping her pinned. "Haha, no match for the Snotman!" He cheered. Oakley hissed as he landed on her bruise.

"Okay, you win. Now get up." She said.

"What? So you can tackle me when my back's turned? I don't think so." Snotlout snickered.

"Snotlout, I'm serious." She started trying to wriggle herself free, pushing him with as much strength as she could muster, but it still wasn't enough. He still wouldn't budge. Her breathing sped up rapidly. "I mean it Snotlout, get off of me!" Her requests we're starting to sound more like cries.

"Snotlout, get off!" Astrid scowled.

"Snotlout!" He cheered, refusing to move an inch. Oakley suddenly stopped her struggle, her eyes squeezed shut and her hands pressed firmly against Snotlout. Astrid panicked as she noticed the ground beneath them slowly frosting over.

"Oak?!" She worried.

Snotlout let out a yelp of surprise, leaping off of her immediately.

"What in Thor's name was that?" He cried.

Oakley wasted no time standing from the ground, accepting Astrid's hand up. She led Oakley to the side of the room and grasped her by the shoulder.

"Sweetie, breathe before you start a snowstorm." She advised, breathing along with her to calm her down. "What was that all about?" She asked as the brunette started to calm down.

"I just don't like being trapped." She mumbled, rubbing her arm nervously.

"But, you were fine with me?" She thought.

"I trust you." She whispered. "Besides, at full strength, I could get out if I needed to. And I know you would let me go if I asked you to."

"True." Astrid agreed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make such a fuss, I just-"

"Oak, it's okay. After everything you've been through, I would be surprised if you weren't scared." She noted.

"You don't even know the half of it." Oakley sighed.

"I know. But you've got to get it together. That was a pretty close call." Astrid reminded. Oakley nodded, taking a deep breath before heading back to the group.

"Ha, I thought you said this chick was tough?" Snotlout taunted. "That was almost too easy. Just a helpless little girl."

Astrid's fists clenched as she lunged forwards. Heather jumped in to hold her back and she soon relaxed, though her unmoving glare still tore through him.

"Ooo, struck a nerve." Snotlout noticed. "What's the matter, Astrid? Eric knock all of the fight out of you?"

His screams echoed across the gym as the mat caught fire mere inches away from his foot, his boot caught ablaze and he shook his leg ferociously to put it out. Oakley flinched, realizing what she had just done. Heather let go of Astrid and tore a banner from the gymnasium wall, leaping towards Snotlout and patting out the flames. Astrid turned to see Oakley staring down at her hands with a worried look on her face, her palms were a bright shade of red and appeared to be glowing. 

"Oak?" Astrid whispered while everyone was occupied with Snotlout.

Oakley looked up at Astrid and backed away slowly before darting out of the gym. Astrid spun back to the scene. Heather nodded her off and she raced after the young brunette. Hiccup darted straight after her.


"Breathe," Oakley told herself as she paced across her apartment, gasping for breath, rubbing her hands together in an attempt to calm her magic. "Just breathe. It's not that hard."

Knock knock.

"Oak? Are you in there?" Astrid called from outside.

"Go away." She cried.

"Not a chance." Astrid scowled, wriggling the door handle.

"Astrid, you can't get in... the door's... locked." She rasped between shaky breaths. Astrid wasn't having any of it. She back up a few steps before leaping in the air, throwing her foot forwards, causing the door to fly open.

"Now it's not locked." Hiccup mentioned. 

"Don't!" Oakley flinched as they approached and started walking backward until she backed herself into a wall. Smoke rose from her hand as it made contact with the wall, leaving a handprint in its wake. 

"Okay, okay!" Astrid took a few paces back, taking Hiccup with her. The last thing she needed to do right now was make matters worse. 

"You shouldn't be here." Oakley sighed. 

"Neither should you."

"Astrid, I'm serious." She frowned. "I don't wanna hurt you."

"You won't," Astrid assured.

"Astrid, it's what I do!" She snapped. Her hair ablaze in light blue flames. 

"What are you talking about?" Hiccup wondered. 

"It's all I've ever done. That's all these stupid powers are good for!" She scowled.

"Oak, you know that's not true?" Astrid hoped.

"Isn't it?!" She cried. "It's why my father left. It got my mom killed. They're the reason I was taken in the first place." She ranted. "And now I'm hurting my friends! Maybe I really am evil..." She shrugged, finally calming her tone.

"Snotlout's your friend?" Hiccup thought, before receiving a slap to the chest. "Ow. Right, sorry. Not important."

"Oak, you asked me if I trusted you. And I do." Astrid started.

"Astrid, you've known me for less than a week." Oakley exhaled.

"Exactly, and I already trust you with my life. What does that tell you?" Oakley just looked away trying to focus on anything but Astrid's eyes. Her gaze landed on a feather under the couch. "Oak, there is not an evil bone in your body. And I need you to believe that." 


"No!" Astrid interrupted. "Not a chance in Hel."

Her smile lifted, ever so slightly as her hands and hair returned to normal. She raised her hand out and the feather leaped into her hand, she smiled down at the one lone feather and she gently stroked it with her finger. Astrid slowly approached her from the side. Oakley threw her arms around the blonde and hugged her tightly. 

"Thank you." She whispered. 

She backed out of the hug as a rose fell into Astrid's hand. The blonde furrowed her brow curiously.

"Earth..." She thought.


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