Statements from invisible participants were a prerequisite before the trial!
In a remarkable turn, the superintended supplied a statement by BM's former colleague. He did not wish to remain anonymous and would present himself for questioning.
There was no reference to his own participation in the Ultra-probe, but he would provide an honest account of what he knew in court. Senior filters read through the details and Matthew was mentioned more than once. It also substantiated the claims made by 13 males against police officers.
Back tracking involved taking statements from social services. Historical records noted his manipulative and demanding nature. One statement, referenced his excessive demands for preferential treatment.
The sociopath statements were nullified as they had established he was the connection between Birmingham and the specialist. Isolation in the safe house had shattered his impaired reality as he knew they would go after his bank accounts.
His many bank accounts exposed the true extent of his relationships. They were financial agreements and one which was still paying out from a business registered in Birmingham. Matthew had received payments in excess of 200k via numerous bank accounts.
Crucial information was gathered from a previously convicted Romanian criminal living in Essex. This particular statement derived from his association with the Neurotic strategist and his association with various other suspects in the European money laundering consortium.
Above all else the specialist's statement gave a rare insight into the sociopaths shifty nature. Matthew's inner workings were motivated by earnings, money was the driving factor.
His notes stated Matthew lacked empathy for clients, whom he regarded as inferior and a nuisance. The sociopath was a ready made plant who could be utilised within the ultra probe.
Induced Habits
Mystery / ThrillerHis location was always crucial, however certain objects will always create another frustrating habit! George needs to escape again!