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The forthcoming trial was postponed as Alex, their own operative, was the single source. They searched through his London apartment and found the expanse of criminal operatives which he was protecting inside the Benidorm core.

Alex had been a consultant for the hostile criminal circle. He had trafficked juvenile males in and out of the Birmingham. Senior filters conferred with Interpol before they handed him over to their investigation process.

The NCA wanted shot of him because they wanted the circle taken out on their terms!

After reviewing all the information they had on the circle, they pressed ahead and arrested everyone in Birmingham. Some of the arrested were former members of the hostile circle. Interpol had agreed to transport and detain all those of Lithuanian origin on a European arrest warrant.

The sociopath remained in seclusion and was oblivious to events in the last 54 days.

Media attention in Birmingham had added the required edge. Their unexpected sequence of raids took out 20 high profile criminal figures. The principle circle commanders and their Romanian associates where taken to undisclosed locations in the UK

Regardless of whether they were certified as inactivate these individuals still ran live operations from Birmingham. BM's team were utilised in conjunction with Alex to control informants. They dominated the city's criminal underworld via their own terror tactics.  

Commanders instructed isolated individuals to extort criminal earning from anyone in Birmingham. Habits, were more than random fixations, they were beaten into young males and driven hard inside the seclusion centre. The sociopath took the worst beatings, yet he emerged as a thoroughbred animal and he qualified as an example of the habit deferral scheme.

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