Profiling the sociopaths habits and personality shifts changed the entire scenario. He unearthed a link to the officials sadistic habits. The hostile circle were participants in running the seclusion centre.
The filter had buried reports on three unsolved cases, involving young Birmingham males found in differing remote locations outside of London. These confidential memos confirmed they were beaten before execution. All three were precision killings.
Following the profilers contact with the node, the sociopaths cell door was opened and he was taken to the interview room. His historical habits and the reasoning behind his personality shifts will expose the official, together with the hostile circle.
Karl had already streamlined his mindset for interview. He assumed a dominant position by acknowledging his criminal pedigree. He confidently laid out his criminal achievements and casually made reference to his past. He sought redemption yet he demanded a return for sharing his information sequence.
He had hacked their system, he expected preferential treatment or at least a financial return!
The criminologist's opening statement hit at the sociopaths frustrating habit, then his pride. He was sharply told that his sequence was worthless. Their shock tactic materialised when he was referred to as BM's personal pawn!
Karl stared at the criminologist, and with a nasal snigger he stated that his sequence was worth millions because he had worked with a hostile criminal circle, international criminals and a UK official.
The sociopath enters into the burn strategy!
Induced Habits
Mystery / ThrillerHis location was always crucial, however certain objects will always create another frustrating habit! George needs to escape again!