January 2, 1934

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Liesl woke the next morning to air so frigid, she could see her breath in the tiny apartment.

She grabbed a thin, worn blanket and wrapped it around herself, her holed socks doing little to keep her feet warm.

"Mama, I make tea," she said.

There was no answer, which concerned her. Usually her mother was already awake and at her sewing machine.

Liesl set the water to boil and went to find her mother.

Marta was lying in bed unmoving. Liesl shook her, instantly recoiling at how cold she was.

She tried feeling for a breath and found none. Desperately, she shook her mother. "Mama! Mama, please!"

Since they didn't have a phone, she ran to find someone who could help and ran into Bucky.

Bucky placed his hands on her shoulders. "Whoa. Liesl, what's wrong?"

Liesl shook her head. "Mama's cold."

"Cold as in just freezing or cold as in still?"

"Still cold." Her eyes welled up and her eyes soon began to sting.

Bucky dried her tears. "Here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna tell someone and then I'm gonna take you to Sarah, okay? I'll sure she'll be willing to help you."

Liesl nodded slowly. "Sarah's nice."

"Yeah, she is."

The two went and told the proper authorities and Liesl's eyes widened. "My water!"

"I think water is the least of your concerns, doll," Bucky told her with a light chuckle.

Liesl glared at him. "That was water for tea."

"Is tea that important to you?"


He sighed. "Okay. Let's turn off your water and get you in something warmer. You've gotta be freezing."

Liesl shook her head slowly. "No, the chill is nothing new."

Bucky stared at her a moment. The girl was clearly cold, but her mentality and the current circumstances had put away the admittance that she was freezing.

He took off his jacket and wrapped it around her. "Come on. Let's get you into something warmer and we'll go see Sarah."

Liesl nodded slowly and suddenly asked, "You'll never leave me, right?"

"No, Liesl. You're one of my best friends. I won't leave you."

The two reached her apartment, and there were police around. The screaming kettle had been turned off and Bucky ushered Liesl to her bedroom.

"Pick out some clothes and we'll be on our way," Bucky told her. "Quickly."

Liesl grabbed a pile of clothes and Bucky held up a pair of shoes before placing them on the ground as he said, "Put these on and we'll go."

She slipped on the shoes and the two left the apartment.

He led her to Sarah and Steve's and knocked on the door.

Sarah opened it and smiled. "James. Liesl. What are you two doing here?"

Bucky gestured to Liesl. "Her mother passed away sometime during the night and I suggested she stay here for the time being."

Sarah ushered her in. "Oh, you poor dear. Stay as long as you need."

Liesl nodded. "You're too kind."

As though everything had finally sunk in, Liesl fell to her knees and began crying.

Bucky closed the door behind him once he'd entered and hugged his grief-stricken friend. He glanced up at Sarah and said, "Thank you."

Sarah looked at them with a small smile. "It's the least I can do."

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