March 13, 1942

131 5 4

Liesl fiddled with her veil in the mirror, making sure it was centered.

She clenched and unclenched her hands as she tried easing her fears. She had nothing to be afraid of, yet she couldn't help but feel nervous as to what might come. But then, marriage had always been a terrifying thought.

A knock sounded on the door, bringing her back to reality.

"Liesl?" Steve called. "Are you ready?"

She opened the door and nodded. "As ready as I'll ever be."

"You can do it. There's no need to be afraid. Bucky's gonna do right by you."

Liesl nodded. "I know. He's one of the good ones."

"Yeah, he is. You look beautiful. He's gonna be in awe."

She twirled her dress at the sides. "You think?"

"I know so." He held out his arm. "Shall we?"

Liesl hooked her arm through his and the two made their way to the entrance.

The music started and Steve walked her down the aisle before moving to stand near Bucky.

Bucky smiled as he looked at Liesl and said softly, "You're a daydream, doll."

Liesl returned his smile and said in the same soft tone, "So are you, Buck."

The priest glanced between the two before saying, "We are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. If anyone is opposed to this union, speak now." No one uttered a protest.

After being directed to, Bucky spoke his vows. "Nearly ten years ago to the day, if someone would have told me I'd met the one I would spend the rest of my days with, I would've called them crazy. Little did I know how much you would change my life, Liesl, and what a joy it's been. I look forward to our coming future, and pray I survive the war so I can give you the life you so deserve." He picked up the ring for Liesl. "With this ring I thee wed."

Liesl smiled shakily and let out a breath. "You were the first to make me feel welcome, to make me feel seen, when I first came here. I spoke little English and understood even less. But meeting you brought about a love and friendship," she glanced at Steve, "that I had never known. You never discriminated against my beliefs and that, at first unknowningly, only made me love you more." She picked up the ring for Bucky. "With this ring I thee wed."

The two repeated to love each other in sickness and in health and for all the rest of their days.

The priest looked between them with a smile. "You may kiss your bride."

Bucky dipped Liesl and kissed her.

As their few guests applauded, Bucky and Liesl made their way down the aisle.

Steve caught up to them and said, "Congratulations, you two."

Liesl smiled. "Thank you, Steve."

Bucky nodded as he pulled Liesl closer. "What now, doll?"

Liesl shrugged. "We still have yet to celebrate your birthday."

Steve nodded. "That's right."

Bucky chuckled softly. "Celebrating another year with my best friend and my wife. God I love being able to call you that. Sounds like the perfect way to spend it."

"Where do you want to go?" Liesl asked.

"Surprise me. Actually, wait."

Liesl and Steve shared a knowing look and the three made their way to their favorite place to eat and enjoyed each other's company and the celebration of two occasions.

Whatever was in store for them, not a soul knew, nor did they want to think about what could be waiting for them across the ocean.

One would be reunited with someone they hadn't seen since childhood and would see horrors beyond what they could imagine.

Another, who'd had no choice, would yet have no choice in a certain horrific, tragic matter.

And the third would choose to do something they knew nothing about just for the sake of being able to do what they wanted.

Fate is an invisible string and pulls those it weaves in directions they can't see. Lovers can forget, friends can be forced apart and time can slip away faster than anyone can attempt to grasp onto it to make it stop for a fleeting moment.

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