February 10, 1935

140 5 4

The past year had been a tragic blur for Liesl.

She'd lost her mother and she came to the realization that she had no idea where her father was. Not that she cared, as sad as that was. She'd heard the stories of what he had done and wanted nothing to do with him.

Subconsciously, she held the Star of David necklace she kept around her neck under her clothes. With the growing Nazi sympathizers around, she didn't prefer to be subject to taunts and jabs.

She noticed two people walking up to her and quickly hid the necklace.

Bucky smiled lightly as he said, "Just me and Steve, doll. You okay?"

Liesl nodded. "Just thinking."

"About what?"

"Nothing really."

"May I?" He gestured to the spot next to her. She nodded and he sat down, motioning for Steve to join him.

Liesl sighed. "Have you ever felt ashamed for something you believe in?"

Steve shook his head. "I can say for certain I haven't. What's bothering you?"

She pulled out the necklace. "This. Did you know my father is a Nazi? That was partially why my mother and I left Germany."

Bucky glanced at her. "We didn't know. I'm so sorry, Liesl."

"It's okay. He doesn't know where I am. As soon as my mother realized how much he hated her people, she took me and left."

Steve frowned. "If he hated your mother's people so much, why did she marry him?"

Liesl caught his eye. "He wasn't always like that. He embraced what she believed until Hitler began speaking his lies. That was when he changed, and I imagine he's only grown worse."

Bucky shook his head slowly. "Some people are sick bastards."

"Yes, unfortunately they are." She tucked the necklace under her shirt. "He can never know of my faith. I don't know if he would kill his own daughter, but I'd rather not take that chance."

Bucky and Steve stared at her before facing forward once again and the three friends sat on the steps as they watched people pass by.

[So that's a twist. Who do y'all think her father is?]

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