Chapter 9

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His P.O.V

This crazy bitch handcuffed me to the fucking doorknob! Who does that! I mean yeah I used her but still.

I can't remember when but I had given up trying to get her to un cuff me but I had fallen asleep. Boy was my shoulder feeling like it was about to fall off.

The footsteps coming up the stairs brought hope maybe I would finally be released.The footsteps sounded oddly heavy which meant it wasn't Kennedy.

Because each time she passed me she would just flip me off each time I spoke. Thankfully it was Rocko who gave me a glance and raised a brow.

"Kennedy?" He chuckled as he looked down on the pathetic scene.

"Yes sir" I nodded maintaining my fake respect act

"Well she told me what you did, I'm not surprised. You can't use people like that Cole." He scolded me with a look that reminded me of the one southern mothers gave when you had an untucked shirt at church.

The clicking of the metal being unlocked and my arm collapsing down to my side making me sigh in relief.

"Thank you" I mumbled standing up holding my shoulder tight.

"Don't thank me just stop fucking up your life" He grumbled tiredly before walking into their room.

I just grumbled nothing's as I walked down the steps. The time on the clock reading that it was ten til' two. Looking over into the living area to see Kennedy staring at her phone.

"Kennedy can we talk" I spoke up as I grabbed some ice for my shoulder.

The cold made me flinch but I adapted quickly and felt my muscles ease. Looking over and waiting for an answer.

"Kennedy?" I questioned walking over to the sofa.

Before I even reached the sofa she was up and went the opposite way and up the stairs. I didn't see why she was taking this so harsh. Not really caring I flopped onto the sofa.

The soft cushions sunk beneath my weight and the soft fabric felt like silk against my bare skin. My eyes shut my tired body greeting the darkness with open arms.

Well it would be if I could move my damn arm. Crazy bitch cuffs me to a fucking door handle for damn near ten hours.

Just as I felt myself about the fall asleep J heard footsteps coming down the steps causing me to shoot up.

I turned my head and looked to see Kennedy. So I got up and walked in her direction. She was kind of the only person that I had somewhat on my side before this whole incident.

"Kennedy wait" I called grabbing her wrist as she went to open the door.

She jerked her wrist from my grasped and turned around. Her long hair hitting me in the chest.

"Don't touch me" She growled at me "And stop trying to act like you genuinely want to be friends" she added

"Besides you don't need to fake like you care because you don't care about anyone" she spit in my direction before leaving and slamming the door.

I was shocked by her harsh words, that stupid statement had come back to bite me in the ass. I mean I didn't care about anyone but still having that thrown in my face makes me feel like a damn fool.

I walked outside to the deck and realized all of my clothes were in the pool. How could I have forgotten that lovely gift she gave me. Growling I took the skimmer and began to remove my clothing piece by damn piece.

Each sopping wet dripping piece of clothing making me more and more angry. God how could one girl overreact so much. I had known her for all of three weeks at this point. I mean yeah we were friends kind of but its not like I slept with her best friend.

Finally having pulled all of my clothing from the pool I began to ring them out so that they wouldn't drop inside because that just meant more work for me.

Piling all of them up in my arms I took them inside. Tossing all of my shirts in the washer and the other clothing in a basket and started it to get rid of the chemical smell.

I looked at the pile of wet clothing in the basket and growled.

"Fucking bitch"

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