A Lovely Disaster Part 2

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Vic POV:

I saw Andy pass out from the strong chemicals. " Shit Andy, Andy, Andy can you hear me?" Fuck I don't know what to do, I carried her body in my arms and ran out the building. Everybody saw me carry Andy in my arms they were clapping for me but when they saw the body they stopped. "Hey !!! Is there an aid cart around here?" " No I'm sorry they all left to go to Grey Sloan." " Dammit did the Fire Trucks leave?" " I don't think so I'm not sure." That mean I have to run to Grey Sloan, that's a good 5 miles, well let's get started. I started running.

Meredith POV:

After getting done taking care of Station 19 I didn't see Andy, where could she be? " Hey Mer did you see Andy come in?" " No Maya I haven't I was just wondering the same thing, are you feeling better ?" " Yea I am, I'm just worried for Andy and Vic." "Who's Vic?" " She's our probie this is her first day." "Oh ok." Me and Maya kept talking until we saw somebody running in with a body in their arms. " Hello ! Hello ! I need a doctor someone please help her." Me and 19 ran to the screaming.

Vic POV:

I ran into Grey Sloan with Andy in my arms. " Hi I'm Doctor Grey. How can I help yo-" " Vic is that you!?! Oh thank god your alive were so sorry for leaving you guys, wait is that Andy?" " Yea she passed out and there was no aid carts so I had to run here." "Omg Vic. Can we get a crash cart in here please for this young lady." I heard Dr. Grey saying. I saw them take her away. "Vic come on we need you to get checked it's going to be ok, she's going to be ok." I was lead to a bed so a nurse can see if I inhaled any smoke. After I got checked I went to go see the team.

Maya POV:

I saw Vic walking in the waiting room. " Hey are you ok?" " Yea Maya I'm ok I didn't inhale anything thank god. Have you guys heard anything about Andy?" " No but can you tell us what happened in the building all we know is that we went into building and checked this weird looking apartment and passed out." " Well Maya that room you guys went in there was a meth lab in there and some chemicals had leaked and cause the fire. So you guys inhaled that smoke and passed out." " Oh wow, who keep a meth lab in a apartment." " Drug Dealers."

Nobody POV:

It was an hour or so and there was no updates about Andy and the team is starting to get
worried. About 30 mins later Meredith came in.

Vic POV:

I saw Meredith walking in. " How is she?!" " Vic she's...." " No no no no don't tell me she's dead." "Vic she's not dead she ali-" "Oh thank god, don't scare me like that ." " She's alive but she inhaled at lot of smoke in that building so it took some time to get it all out safely. You guys can go in now sorry for the wait." " Thank you Meredith I'm sorry for screaming it's just that she's my new best friend." " It's ok every friend or family is worried when their family is hurt."

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