The Fight

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Maya POV:
The rest of the team and I was waiting for Andy to come out the conference room. I saw her walk out. "Hey Andy what happened?" "He just asked me questions about what happened tonight." "Oh okay are you okay?" "No Maya I'm not okay I knew this was a bad idea, I should've stopped it." "Andy you couldn't have know." "I just wanna go hold her." "Well then go hold her." "Okay" "bye" "bye"

Vic POV:
I couldn't go to sleep, if I do I'll just see him again and I don't want too. I heard someone walking in. "Hey Vic it's me Andy I'm here now." I felt her get in the bed with me. I turned around and hugged her. "Hey it's going to okay and I'll make sure of it. He had no right to do what he did. He won't get away with this. What do you want me to do?" "Just ho-ho-hold m-m-m-me please." "Okay love." I felt safe in her arms. "Vic?" "Hm?" "I just want to let you know that I know it's going to be hard to trust people again after what happened tonight. But I just wanted to let you know that I'll always be in your corner no matter what." "Thanks Angel I really needed that." "You're welcome love try going to sleep." "I can't if I do I'll see him again." "No you won't." "I won't?" "Yea bc you'll be dreaming of us, me and you." "I will?" "Yes you will"

Andy POV:
My baby, my sweet baby. I'm going to kill him. It too a few mins for Vic to fall asleep. After she went to sleep I slipped out the bed to find his room. I went up to his room until Ben stopped me, "Hey, Hey, Hey don't go in there." "Ben get out of my way." "No I won't get out of your way m. I feel you pain." "No! You don't feel my pain Ben!" All the nurses started looking at us and our friends. "Andy you're going to regret this." "The only thing I regret is letting this happen. So get the fuck outta my way." He kept holding my body back. "I SAID GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" I punched him in the face and went inside deans room. He was asleep and I put my hands around his neck. He woke up with wide eyes. He couldn't breathe. Officer Hops came in, "Ms.Hurrera do I need to put you in solitary confinement until the court date?"

Vic POV:
I woke up to a lot of screaming so I went to go see what it was about. I saw Ben on the floor and heard Andy's voice in deans room. Then I heard Officer Hops voice, "Ms.Hurrera do I need to put you in solitary confinement until the court date?"
I ran to the room, "No sir don't put her in there I got her. Andy come on let's go you saved me. Let's go to sleep." I took her hand and led her to my room. All the nurses were looking at us until Andy had screamed, "the fuck are you guys looking at?" They had scrambled off. "Come on Andy let's lay down." "Okay I promise I won't leave." "Okay thank you." "Mmhmm." She started to big spoon me. We went to sleep.

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