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Nobody POV:
It has been 2 months since the incident and today is the court date. Vic was doing better and was walking on his own. Vic was very scared, Andy was confident, and Dean was just Dean.

Judge Parker POV:
"Hello everyone we are here for the case #437. Today we have Victoria Hughes and Dean Miller." "Hello ma'am" "hello Victoria why are you here today?" "I'm here bc I'm a victim of rape." "Who raped you Victoria?" "Dean Miller ma'am." "Okay our attorney will be asking you questions." "Okay." "So Victoria what happened of October 25th, 2021?" "Your attorney what happened was that Me and Dean Miller was hanging out until he raped me." "What were you guys doing?" "We were playing video games and watching movies." "Are you and Dean close?" "No sir." "So the detective found a gun at the scene is it yours?" "No sir that Andy Hurrera's gun." "Was Ms.Hurrera st the scene?" "Yes she was, she was the one who saved me." "Okay why did she need the gun?" "She needed the gun bc she knew that Dean was bigger and stronger so she shot him." "Okay thank you Victoria for your honesty." "You're welcome." "Ms.Hurrera may you please come up to the stand?" "Yes your honor." "So do you know Dean?"  "No but I know his daughter would be so disappointed in him." "You bit-" "Mr.Miller sit down. Ms Hurrera let's not talk about Me.Millers child okay?" "Yes your honor I'm sorry." "So when did you arrive at the scene?" "I arrive when he started to rape her." "I heard that you have a gun is that clear?" "Yes attorney I do here's my license." I saw her license. "Thank you ma'am so here's my final question did you shot Mr. Miller 4 times in the back?" "Yes I did." I heard the crowd gasping. "Oh be quiet. Mr.Miller come to the stand." "Yes your honor." "So do you know Victoria Hughes?" "Not really your honor." "What do you mean by that." "Well we had a few conversations, until I asked her to hang out." "You mean until you raped her." "Uh..." "Mmhmm so why did you rape Victoria?" "I think she deserved it."

Andy POV:
When I heard him say that I almost jumped across the table. "Ms.Hurrera sit down!" "Sorry your honor but may i say something." "Yes you may." "They only reason why Dean did what he did was bc he knew that Vic only liked him as a brother." "Bullshit Andy!" "Oh bitch please you couldn't stand getting your little bitch ass heart broken." The whole crowd gasped.  "That's why you are a fag." "I may be a fag but atleast I know how to pleasure girls without hurting them." "I-"
"ENOUGH YOU TWO! I have heard enough today. By the court Andy Hurrera you are being sentenced for 2 years in federal prison. Dean Miller you're being sentenced for life."

Vic POV:
When I heard that Dean was going away I was happy but when I heard that Andy had to leave I was sad. I saw them put her in handcuffs, she came up to me " Hey Vic." She put her hands on my face. "It's going to be okay. I'll be back before you know it. You're going to stay in my room at Maya's apartment. Maya's going to give you a key. We're going to be okay." "Don't leave me." "I'm sorry love but I have to go." I have her a big hug. "Mi amor we'll see each other again." "Okay." The officer had took her away. "Come on Vic let's go." "Okay. Maya I love her." "I know you do."

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