Guys are the same

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The day when we met,

In my head, your name was set.

I felt little shy to go and talk to you,

And you never made an effort too.

We sat together and started talking,

You would tell a joke and we would start laughing.

Falling for you wasn’t hard,

Cause there was nobody to protect my heart or guard.

My heart said “He likes you too”,

But brain said “No it is not true”.

When you got to know how I feel,

You said you didn’t like me and didn’t want to help me heal.

From my miserable heartbreak,

I used to cry while my heart used to ache.

You were normal, you didn’t care,

Do you remember the days when we used to talk and share?

We stopped talking with no problem,

I didn’t try to talk, I went dumb.

Just talks like “Did you do the homework?”

I still cared because my heart was a jerk.

Recently I got to know,

You like a girl in class and I don’t want to show.

My broken heart has started breaking again,

Now its confirmed that all guys are the same.

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