P/N: <—- Yeah that means Poet's note :P
This one's inspired by a dream I had and I decided to pen it down. Hope you like it :)
Girl of two, cute and innocent,
Frock on, two little pony tails.
Hope in her eyes, to school she was sent,
Didn't cry a tear, no matter the hails.
Girl of six, cheerful and bubbly,
Waiting to go home to mommy.
Safe in her arms like a birdy,
The best place she could ever be.
Girl of ten, dark and despaired,
Crying beside her lifeless mother.
Remembering the moments they shared,
Not wanting to let go of her.
Girl of fourteen, afraid and naive,
Dressed in scars, made of thoughts.
Friends made fun, she was deceived,
A mess she was, waiting to sort.
Girl of eighteen, broken and alone,
Trying hard to fit in.
No one cares even if I moan,
Smothered in red, death was what she breathed in.
Love Poems ♥
PoetryStephen Chbosky once said, "We accept the love we think we deserve." This is not just a collection of poems but my feelings compiled together ♥ Enjoy!