Chapter 7 - Anxious and Nervous

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2nd person POV

You can't believe this.

You lost.

In Mario Kart.

To Doffy.

"I must admit, that was thrilling." Doffy chuckled. Baby 5 and Buffalo was laughing, enjoying the game. You sat on the couch with Doffy while the kids are still playing Mario Kart.

"Sh-shut up..." your face is red, and his teasing doesn't help. He inched closer and gave you a side hug.

"Now.. For the bets."

"Right now?" you widened your eyes.

"Yes. Now."

"Okay. What is it?"

"One. Show me your mark. Two-"

"Wait wait wait, that's unfair! One bet only!"

"I didn't state how much specifically when I placed the bet. So two," he inched closer to your ear.

"If our marks match, I want a kiss."

Your mind went blank. "A-a kiss? We'll have to see, then."

"Fufufufufu.. Interesting choice of words. I thought you're going to say something like 'Hell no' or worse." he rubbed his chin, showing clear interest.

"Whatever you say." you got up from the couch. As you take off your jacket, an idea popped into your mind. Big brain time.

"Here's my mark." you showed him, and his grin grows 10 times wider.

"I know I felt that tingle right." he said, satisfied. The kids are too preoccupied by the game to even notice what we're talking about.

He got up, dragging you into your kitchen, near the door.


"Now, now." you said in a sly tone. "You didn't specifically said, when or where I should kiss you. I'll say that I owe you a kiss, and I won't give you one yet." you smirked. His grin fell for a split second before he chuckled.

"Wonderful. Not just pretty, brilliant, too. I just strike heaven today, baby!" he laughed and you walked back to where the kids are playing.

"Young Master! Shouldn't we get going? It's almost 3." Buffalo asked.

You glanced at the clock on the wall located above your room's door frame. It's 15 minutes to 3, and you don't feel like leaving anytime soon. You have no choice whatsoever, and you don't want to feel guilty for crushing Baby 5's hope.

"I'll go change. It won't take long." you said then Baby 5 stopped you.

"Y/n-san? Can I help you choose your outfit?" you pondered for a second before agreeing, ushering her into your room. Shutting the door, she's already racking through your closet.

Such an energetic girl, she already managed to throw a few shirts on your bed. Most of your clothes are folded and kept in the lower shelf, so she doesn't actually have any problems spreading them to choose.

"Hmm..Will this do?" After at least 10 clothes she spread on the bed, she handed you a black gown with colourful patterns. A rose is sewn neatly on the left chest side. She also tossed you a pair of dark blue jeans and a red scarf.

"I couldn't find any short sleeved gown or any skirts." she huffed, puffing her cheeks. You chuckled nervously, not wanting to explain.

"These are neat. Thanks, Baby 5. Oh- you're keeping the rest back.." you look at her in awe. "I made this mess, of course I'll be the one keeping it back!" she giggled.

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