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2nd person POV

You walked around in the mansion, searching for your tall bird.


He is hiding like a child - which is out of character - after stealing and hiding your special gloves today, on your wedding anniversary.

"Gosh, this guy... Doffy, love?" you tried calling out, but no avail. You noticed a string along the hallway, you lift it up using wind and began to track it down.

And the end of the glove, you found one of your gloves on the ground with a string attached to the ceiling. Looking up, your other glove is tangled, hanging high on the ceiling.

"Really?" you deadpanned, tucking your dress between your legs and float up to take it. You tried to untangle the glove but it only got tighter.

"Y/n? What are you doing?" Gladius walked into the hallway and looked up.

"Your Young Master apparently think it's funny to take away my gloves. And helmet." you chew your lower lip in concentration to take the glove.

"Oh. He's been acting strange today, to be honest. Out of character." he chuckled.

"I noticed too." you mumbled. "Anyhow, don't concern yourself with me. I got this."

"Alright. See you around."

"See ya."

You exclaimed after getting the glove untied, before a helmet was shoved onto your head and strings begin to tie your feet together.

"You didn't find me.." you heard as arms wrapped around you, trapping you with the man's embrace.

"Doffy! I was searching for you since the break of dawn. What's wrong?" you asked, concerned.

"Is that all you have to say?" he suddenly asked.

"Um.. No. Happy anniversary, dear." you said softly, tilting your head to see him. "Please get this helmet off my head."

"Not yet, no." he mumbled before dragging you down, throwing you on his shoulder while walking somewhere.

"O-oi!" you tried to struggle but he got you completely paralyzed.

He led you outside the backyard, and you noticed - even if half blinded by the helmet - it's decorated beautifully.

"Happy anniversary, love." Doffy set you down. He took off the helmet on your head and ruffled your hair. "Your hair is getting longer." he grinned, tilting your face upwards to meet his.

"Doffy... Thank you." you were speechless even though he always surprised you, you could never get used to his surprises. You leaned into his touch, giving him a passionate kiss.

"So..." you trailed off, looking around. "This is why you've been out of character the whole day?"

"What do you think?" he grinned, leading you to a table and pulling you into his lap.

"I'll take that as a yes." you leaned against him and turned your head around, meeting his neck. Peppering his neck with light kisses, you feel vibrations as he chuckled.

"How do you think we will spend the rest of our lives?" you retracted and took off his glasses to stare into his blazing eyes.

"Hmm..." he hummed, giving a thought. "Do you need anything else?"

"Not really. I have you. And my freedom." you giggled.

"Then we'll make use of that."

"What about you? Do you need anything else?"

"A trip sounds nice. Four times a year, overseas. What do you think? Maybe we can bring Rosinante along sometimes."

"I... I'd love that!"

"That's my girl. Then it's settled." he chuckled, handing you a ticket. "Here."

"Wh-what?" you read it and widened your eyes. It's a ticket overseas, dated this upcoming summer. The place isn't specified, probably another surprise. "You're really full of surprises."

"I wouldn't be me if I didn't keep you on your toes, darling."

"Always devilish charisma." you tapped his nose and put back his glasses on. "You're the only person I can see who can rock these types of glasses."

"And you're the fastest woman I've ever seen on a racing track."

"Thank you." you laughed.

"So... Where to this summer?"

"You'll see."

(Word count: 650)

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