Chapter 10 - Search

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Hertha's POV

"How do we tell her?" I asked Skye while thinking, fingers resting nervously on my chin.

"She's gonna go extreme overprotective mode again if we act rash. He ain't going anywhere right now."

"We can't just sit and watch he torture more kids!"

"That's also a problem... Y/n said she knew he's back in town. Last night she informed me that she was going to be unavailable today, the whole day and night. She should be here tomorrow night." Skye added calmly.

"Look, I love you and your calm demeanor but I can't help worrying if he's going to find Y/n and make her life hell again!"

"Panicking also doesn't help her, Hertha. As of right now, let's just gather as many information we got. We knew that Smoker and Tashigi knew. Akagami and Takanome also said they'll help if anything. They're strong. We have a lot of people on our side."

"... Good point." I slumped down on the couch beside him, sighing. "She'll still worry if she knows that he came searching here earlier."

"That's the problem right now. Why can't he forget Y/n? She never accepted him anyway." Skye growled, annoyed with the man that came earlier.





"Hey, Hertha. What are you doing?"

"Y/n! Me and Skye are chilling at our place."

"I'm gonna come tomorrow, playing my role one of Takanome's speakeasy. Any news while I was gone?" me and Skye change looks, and he nod.

"That's exciting! Everyone missed you as their DJ. No particular news from us, except for some old friends coming to visit."

"Old friends?"

"Yeaah.. You know.. Him." I trailed off, trying to drag this off topic.

"... What did he want?" her tone stern

"Nothing much-"

"Hertha." I sighed, knowing this will get nowhere but the same end.

"You. He came looking for you. He left when he didn't see you anywhere though." a long silence was on her side, possibly calculating things.


"You're not mad?"

"No. As long as they don't hurt you, I can still plan things slowly."

"We've also found out they've been searching for victims like he did you."

"I see.. We'll have to put an end to him soon, then. We needn't anymore kids to suffer the same fate." she hummed, keeping cool.

"Did you have fun tonight? You're rather cheerful." I giggled. Usually she's grunt when this matter is brought into conversations.

"Yep, I had fun. Quite tiring that I had my soulmate introduced his whole family in a night. Things took an interesting turn, really."

Me and Skye looked at each other, shocked.

"You WHAT?" Skye asked, shocked.

"I know, I'll fill in the details later. I'm worn out."

"Okay..." we both said in unison, bidding her goodnight.

"We should go sleep too." Skye yawned, going into our separate rooms.

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