Chapter 11 - Vendetta

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2nd person's POV

You looked around the pub, and spotted a white-faced guy on the mirror outside. You hissed and stormed towards the door, facing him outside.

"What is it that you searched for me? I told you-"

"Don't be mad, Y/n~ You know, I missed the old days where you used to race in the face of the world, under my observation." he leaned in closer. Before he could do anything you pushed him away.

"I needn't anything from you. How many children did you trick this time?"

"Oh, not much, just two. One's a redhead with an anger issue while the other blonde one seems to soothe one down. Interesting name they got, Kid and Killer."

"Listen, you won't be keeping those kids for long." you grabbed his collar, and he shook his head annoyingly at your behaviour.

"Y/n, always so harsh to me."

"Not my fault that you didn't even pay your racers! Heard that you're managing with a team nowadays."

"Ah, yes, clever girl. I know you'll keep track of me. Missing me much?"

"Zip it, vamp. Where are those kids?"

"I don't know, probably under a bridge, if you're wondering." you sighed, trying to keep your cool.

"You'll get what you deserve one day." you grumbled before turning back. Hearing a click, you froze in your steps, tilting your head to the side to see him holding a gun towards your head.

You looked around, noting in mind that his action has brought attention to the people walking around. Whisperings can be heard.

"I'm hoping you don't interrupt my plans with those kids." he chuckled before hissing.

Some of the people in the bar begins to notice, and your friends watch you with worry. They know you don't like them joining in and if they're injured, you know you wouldn't forgive yourself.

"And I hope you'll stop threatening people for your own profit." you slapped the revolver aside, trapping the firearm between your arm and your body before kicking him straight in the chest. His grip on the revolver got loose and you yanked it, pocketing it between your belt.

"Still got moves, after all this year, L/n."

"Couldn't let my guard down knowing you're still the same."

He throw a punch, sending you back and you returned it with a kick infused with your power, sending him flying across the place. Your friends scrambled towards you before you zoomed in towards him in your wind form, sending a punch on his jaw. He fell back.

Now you have the attention of the whole district, watching the fight between you two.

Little that you know as you scanned the crowd, a certain pink-coated man is there. He could easily break the fight, yet he didn't as he wanted to enjoy some bloodshed.

Not knowing the person behind a mask is his own soulmate.

Lafitte collected himself, standing up and brushing himself down, fixing his clothing. A tanned guy joined him, laughing as he opened his arms wide.

"Zehahahahaha! So this is the lady you told us about?" a black void swirled in his palm, and you're sure that he is  power-born.

You fixed a defense stance and used wind to swirl the scene around, small dust begin to rotate in circle following your wind current. People backed off, making the center of the district like an arena.

"I see you brought a partner."

"The name's Blackbeard."

"And you should, too. Instead of being alone. When will you learn, Y/n?"

You frowned. "I wouldn't risk harming them."

"Oh, but will you win by yourself?"

A shot was heard and bullet came zipping through, you moved your head back, avoiding the shot. Blackbeard then darted past Lafitte with a brass knuckles and proceed to punch your face, making your mask fall and your face scratched. Two fresh bloody lines cut through your cheeks, below your left eye.

You hissed in pain, your hair isn't hiding your face as your hair is only long enough to cover one of your eyes.

"Bloody hell." you grimaced and look up to Lafitte.

From afar, upon seeing your face, Doflamingo, or known as Joker, widened his eyes behind his glasses. His grin dropped, his face now a death glare.

Without hesitation, he slipped through the sea of people watching, aiming straight at Lafitte.

"Wait!" You intercepted him as you knew Lafitte's trick. The one Doffy's aiming at is only a mirage, while the real one is waiting to strike. Thus the reason you didn't attack, you're trying to locate where the real on is. Blackbeard is also on the move, making you double your vigilance.

As you pushed him away, you felt a cold, sharp pain near your shoulder. A knife thrusted past your collarbone before withdrawing. Cold liquid drip from the wound, and you sent a wind punch from your uninjured hand, blowing Blackbeard away from the district towards craters of junk piled up at one place. Lafitte walked towards you, grinning.

Hertha rushed to catch you, and Lafitte throw a dagger towards you side, leaving a scratch. It narrowly missed Hertha, and she caught you by your side, slinging your uninjured arm across her neck. Skye drifted in front of Lafitte, sending him off with a water current towards where you tossed Blackbeard.

You reached down towards your mask, and Doffy grabbed it, giving it to you.

"Hey." you chuckled weakly, losing blood. Hertha ripped her jacket off to tie it on your wounds to reduce the bleeding.

"You didn't tell me." Doffy glared at your, and you let out a chuckle.

"Why? So I can put you in danger? He's my vendetta."

"Talk later. We need to get her to hospital." Skye said, using his power to heal you. He can heal, but deep wounds still need medical attention. He managed to heal the cut under your eye, but he couldn't seal the other two wounds.

Possessing the water power which was your late father's before he died, you always adored the water power.

You starts to feel your vision de-focus and focus many times, and you lost control to your limbs.

"I'll take her." Doffy said, and you feel yourself being lifted.

He used his strings to fly away as you feel cold breeze run through your hair. He took your mask, tucking it somewhere in his coat. He run his hand through your hair, looking at you with worry.

"Don't lose your conscious, love. We're almost there." he gave you a weak grin. You didn't try to answer, as he would say to you to conserve your energy.

He busted through the hospital door in emergency section and got all the doctors' attention. You were then placed on a stretcher, and you feel your mind slipping away from reality into the darkness.

(Word count: 1144)

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