Chapter 13 - Ties

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2nd person's POV

The ride was a peaceful silence. Doffy drove through a road surrounded by the woods, and you wonder where is he actually taking you.


"Hm?" he answered, using one free hand to drive while the other one reaching for yours.

"Where are we going?"

"It's supposed to be a surprise. Will it calm you if I tell you?"

"Yeah.. But I don't want to spoil it if you said it's going to be a surprise."

"Patience, love. We're arriving soon." he chuckled. You gripped his hand tighter, suddenly feeling nervous.

He wouldn't harm you. If he would, he should already do it. Your health is not even in the perfect state, making he's at advantage if he were to hurt you.

You trust him.

Feeling bored waiting, you played with his hand that he used to hold you. You trace his finger with soft touches. He grinned while you were doing so, enjoying the silent affection, unbeknownst to you.

The car came to a halt, and you look up to see a small house, more of a hut.

"We're here." he give your hand a small rub before exiting the car. You followed suit, still wondering what's this place.

"I usually come here to clear up my mind. Not too often, though. Shouldn't hurt for you to do the same." he walked around the car to you and grasped your hand, leading you towards the house. He walked around it, going to the backyard.

Then you realized you're not too far from the city, but on top of the nearby hill. No one usually came here as this place is merely a forest. Yet this man surprised you by revealing he have a small personal place here.

And he decides to share it with you.

"It's so pretty around here." you look at him.

"You're the first person to come here with me." he chuckled.

"Are you sure I'm the first person to hear that?" you said and he have a shocked, offended look on his face before smirking.

"I knew you were going to say that. Yes, you are the first one to come here. If I were to bring all my past lovers here, what are the chances they won't come here to set the house on fire after becoming my ex?"

"Fair point. Though, Corazon doesn't have to be your ex to burn this house down." you joked.

"That little brother of mine.." he laughed, shaking his head. "Let's enjoy the day, you said you wanted to relax, no? I'm all in if you're up for some rough activities." he suggested, smirking suggestively.

"Really, Doffy? I just got out of a hospital!" you giggled. He dragged you to the door. Leaving you for a split second, he went inside and brought out two deck chairs. Going back inside, he pulled out a small table. You walked inside and see how the designs are.

"Whoa." you breathed. The house is small. A kitchenette is the first thing you see if entered from the backyard, and a small hallway with two doors along the hallway, which probably are bedrooms. You didn't go check the room at the other end of the hallway, probably later. The walls are lime coloured, giving a fresh and bright look. Definitely a house to relax.

"Impressed?" he snapped you out of your train of thoughts. You grinned and nod.

"It's cozy. And has a calming presence." you said, turning to face him. You then thought of the bet, which you've only given a subtle peck on his cheek.

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