Unwanted Reunion

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The sound of explosions was beginning to become closer to your location at the medical tent, the battle was unmistakably coming to you. Kix was talking to someone on his comm link, General Skywalker you presumed. He let out a large sigh before he approached you.

" Orders from the General, you have to retreat from the camp, the battle is moving towards us fast. He ordered that you leave immediately." He looked at you with pleading eyes, hoping that you would listen.

"I can't leave, what if the tent gets overrun! You need someone to help defend the men." You protested, anger coming forth in your voice.

"It's an order (y/n). Now go, We can stand our ground." He demanded at you.

"No, I am not leaving. We've worked too damn hard to give up now. End of discussion." You spat back at him.

He looked defeated, he wasn't going to fight you on this. " Fine, but I'm not taking the blame when the Generals or Wolffe find out." He huffed at you and started preparing for the inevitable attack.

You got to work preparing the severely injured men for evacuation when your comm link went off.

"You better be on your way to a shuttle off this god forsaken planet or so help me (y/n)!" Skywalker screamed into your comm over blaster fire.

Your breath got caught in your chest, is it worth it to even respond to him you thought to yourself. "No can do Master, the men need someone to protect them to the evac sight. I don't leave my men behind." You replied back hurriedly as you went back to preparing.

The mere minutes before the attack felt like hours, every little sound sent your head flying in that direction. You're heart rate began to increase and you palms became sweaty when you realized the men wouldn't be ready to leave for the evac sight in time. Blaster fire started outside the tent, and you heard the screams of your fallen men. Without hesitation you made a b-line for the exit of the tent, ignoring Kix's pleas with you to not run right out.

You ignited your sabers as you exited, blocking stray blaster bolts. Jumping in front of one of the shinnies you instructed him to shoot as many droids as possible as you blocked the bolts from hitting the both of you. You held your position well, until a stray bolt missed your vision and gouged into your wrist. You let out a hiss of pain and yelled for the trooper to retreat and start the evac, there were too many droids to try and hold the camp yourselves.

Just as the trooper was running away, a cloaked figure leaped in front of the droids, calling for a seize fire. You felt all the hairs on your body raise with goosebumps following closely behind.

"Well we'll well, I could smell your betrayal from my transport ship." Ventress spit her words at you with venom.

Before you could get a word out, Wolffe and his small squad had approached. He looked to you, his brows furrowed in frustration and concern. He saw the look in your eyes, you were going to do something stupid for the sake of the squad. You looked at him, your lips turned in a small smirk before speaking.

"You'll have to work for your kill, I'm a lot stronger than when you last saw me." You spat back as you flipped up and into the foliage above you, hoping and praying that she would take your bait and you could lead her away from the men. You're heart sank as you saw Wolffe lung forward, only to be held back by Boost.

"It's suicide if you jump out there, she knows what she's doing." Boost whispered to Wolffe, although he barley heard it. All he saw was the blood falling off your wrist as you tried your best to hold both of your light sabers.

Ventures hissed in frustration, " Running away from our family reunion so quickly? Just like back on Dathomir my dear daughter." Ventured spit out as she leaped into the foliage after you. She was fast, but you were faster. Flipping through the branches as if your body was elastic until you thought you were far enough away from the boys. Finally jumping from the branches into a small clearing.

Wolffe stood dumbfounded, "did she say daughter?" He asked aloud, though it was mostly to himself. He didn't have much time to think as the droids started to fire at them. It took longer than expected but they were able to diminish the separatist forces.

He reached for his comm link and sent a message through to both the Generals. "The enemy forces at the camp sight has been eliminated." There was a slight pause before he spoke again. "Padawan (y/n) has engaged Assajj Ventress and has led her away from the camp."

No sooner did he finish the message did his comm buzz back him.

"Stay where you are, we will go after padawan (y/n) and Ventress." Anakin called back through gritted teeth.

Ventress was circling you, her red lightsabers ignited and pointed at you.

"You have two options pet, you come with me or you die. Choose wisely." She spoke with fire in her voice.

You couldn't go back with her, not again. "I welcome death!" You shouted as you raised you lightsabers to meet hers. You were locked in a stand still, the outside world disappearing as you engaged in the close fight.

Ventress flung herself back, "you have improved since the last time I saw you." Her tone a little less venomous.

"Not at all thanks to you." You shot back as you lunged for her, pinning her to the ground. One of your lightsabers hovering above her throat, the heat making her hiss out at you.

You didn't see Wolffe and his squad rumbling out of the bushes, but Ventress did and she waited for the opportune moment to use it against you.

"You took everything from me!" You shouted at her with your lightsaber still at her throat. "A mother is supposed to love her child not beat them and sell them into slavery!" Tears began to pour from your eyes, and they fell onto ventress like icicles. "I have to lie to the people that I love because of you, hide who I really am because they'll be scared of me." As you spoke your hands began to emit a green smoke, a reminder of who you truly were.

"I was never meant to be a mother." She shot back at you while she pushed you over her head with her feet, standing up to tower over you now.

She stepped backwards, force pushing you into the base of one of the strange plants. A chocked sob escaped your lips as the force of the collision took all the breath from your lungs. Your vision was beginning to become clouded, as you saw Ventress begging to walk toward a group of bushes. Your heart sinking when you realized Wolffe and his small group of men were intwined within them. Forcing the bushes apart with the force Ventress revealed their position. Wolffe and his boys sprung into action, firing at her but she blocked every bolt with accuracy and precision. An evil laugh leaving here lips as she used the force to pull all the men to their knees.

"So pet, which one dies first?" She was asking you the question, her way of taunting you further.

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