Safe Haven

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*Major time jump in the story*

It had been almost four years since you fled with Comet, you were successful in removing numerous inhibitor chips from many of the clones once you established the safe haven on Ord Mantell. However you were still having no luck in locating Wolffe, he had missed so much of what your lives could have been since the order took place.

It had also been nearly four years since you partnered with Ahsoka and Rex, who she had saved from the inhibitor chip early on after the order. Around the time you started working with them you had also found out that you were pregnant. You were shocked at first, but once the initial shock wore off you were grateful. If you couldn't physically have Wolffe with you it was nice to have a tiny human that had a part of him within them. Comet stayed by your side through everything, not letting you do too much through the whole pregnancy. He vowed his loyalty and protection to you as a way to honor Wolffe and you were grateful for it, although it would never be the same without Wolffe.

Once you settled on Ord Mantell the four of you began to work on a safe haven for the clones that had their chips removed. You decided on a bar, your inspiration drawn from 79's. It was built to be a bar and a lodging facility where the clones could stay hidden from the ever growing hand of the Empire. When the neon sign with the bars name on it was made you let out a flood of tears. It was simple with only four words, ' Five's, bar and lodge', it was the least you could do to name it after the man that had originally worked with you in investigation the maker forsaken inhibitor chip.

Upon the last few days of setting up the safe haven you fell into labor, Comet was a hysterical mess and if it wasn't for Ahsoka there would have been no one there calm enough to guide you through the birth. You birthed a beautiful baby girl, naming her Pup. A simple tribute to Plo and the wolfpacks nickname for you when you first started with their battalion all those years ago.

" I guess we've got a new 'little pup' added to our pack." You joked to Comet who was in tears at the sight of the newest addition.

Ahsoka and Rex would come and go, they had started work forming a rebellion to go against the Empire and it took up most of their time. Rex would go out and try and bring back as many brothers as he could to have their chips removed, always looking out for Wolffe. He knew how much it meant to you to have him returned home but he never had any luck with locating him.

The first year of the bar being opened was quiet, not many clones had been relieved of the chip yet and it was mostly just you, Comet and Pup taking care of things. Comet took his roll very seriously as an uncle, spoiling the little wolf pup as much as he could and she absolutely adored him.

It wasn't until two years had passed that two very familiar faces walked through your bar doors, Boost and Sinker approached you slowly as if they were scared you would run away at the sight of them.

" Were so sorry (y/n), we tried so hard to fight it." Boost let out softly, his voice strained from trying to hold back his tears.

"It wasn't your fault, I could never hate you guys." You replied as you pulled the both of them in for a tight embrace. " I have someone I'd like you to meet, the newest addition to the pack." You turned to Comet who let Pup run out into the bar.

Boost and Sinker looked shocked to say the least, the little girl was the spitting image of her mother except she had clone eyes.

"You and Comet made this?" Boost said as he bent down to get a better look at the tiny human.

You couldn't help but let out a loud laugh as Comet did the same. "Wolffe and I made this, the night before the order was implemented." Your tone getting sadder at the mention of the order. "Do you have any information on where he is?" You questioned them.

"We were all separated about a year ago, I haven't heard from him since." Sinker replied as Pup grabbed his arm to pull him over to his toys.

The boys became accustomed to Pup relatively quickly, she eventually had them all wrapped around her little finger. Your days were full of simple tasks around the bar, making sure everything was in place for the clones that inhabited it. It began to fill up now, mostly clones you had never met before but there were some familiar faces. Another year passed pretty uneventfully and your longing for Wolffe only grew stronger.

You tried to tell Pup as much about her father as you could, she would ask you where he was and it broke your heart every time. She was too young to understand. She wouldn't go to sleep without a story of her father, she would hold onto the one picture you had with Wolffe until she fell asleep. The picture had been taken at 79's, you were leaning on the bar with Wolffe behind you. His hand gingerly placed on your waist with his other holding onto a glass of whiskey.

Comet had a habit of finding you crying in the living room of your shared living quarters after you tucked Pup in for bed. He would hold you and rub your back until you stopped, never in any manner other than as a loving brother who hated seeing you upset. It was something that had become a nightly routine as the years started to pile up.

"Do you think we'll ever find him?" You would question almost every night to Comet before retiring to you separate room.

"We won't ever stop trying, I know Rex won't either." he would respond before starting his nightly security check of the small apartment and the bar. He took his devotion to protecting you and the little Pup very seriously.

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