Chapter 2: Miyagi Do Training Day

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was just after eating my ramen as I paid the bill and left a tip for Tori and also put my number on it for her to call me on. I then entered my car and began to drive back home, I soon pulled up as I entered my house "hey everyone I'm home!" I said as I saw Dad with his arms crossed. He looked a little bit mad "uh...hey d-d-dad h-h-how are you?" I said nervously "good except I saw the video" Dad said as I grew extra nervous. I nervously gulped "oh a-a-and w-w-what did you think?" I said "did you attack first?" Dad said as I shook my head no.

Dad then put his hands on his hips "I have one thing to say to you mister" Dad said as he pointed at me. I gulped "I am so proud of you (Y/N)" Dad said as I let out a big breath of relief. Dad and I laughed "don't do that again you scared me" I said as we continued to laugh. Eventually we stopped "so how about we explain everything to your mom huh" Dad said "yeah, but if she asks if you scolded me you say yes okay" I said as he put on a cross face and dragged me to my mom.

I then told everything that happened to me to my mom and dad as my mom told me to be very careful next time I get in a fight. When the coast was clear Dad and I high fived "well I'm going to go to bed goodnight" Dad said "goodnight oh and dad" I said as he turned around. He looked at me "yeah" Dad said "when's Miyagi Do karate lesson start? Cause your looking at your new student" I said with a smile and Daniel told me and went to bed.

~Timeskip to the next day~

As I got ready for my lesson in Miyagi Do I heard my phone ring as I picked it up and answered the phone incase it was Tory.


(Y/N): Hello (Y/N) Larusso here.

???: Hi it's Tory from the restaurant I was going to call yesterday but it was late.

(Y/N): Oh yeah Tory how's it going? I was hoping to hear from your beautiful voice.

Tory: Look at you being flirty. Anyway why did you leave a $50 tip at the table yesterday?

(Y/N): Well I would only do that for waitresses I like which is rare for restaurant workers. Guess you got my attention.

Tory: Well Larusso how about we arrange a day to hang out.

(Y/N): Sure thing although it will have to be a day that is after my Karate training.

Tory: Well I do believe the karate thing because of your dad being Daniel Larusso. So I'll talk to you later okay.

(Y/N): Yeah I will see you later Nichols.

Tory: See you Larusso.

I went downstairs to see Sam waiting for me "sorry for keeping you waiting I had a call" I said "ooh was it a girl hmm?" Sam said as I rolled my eyes. I shuved Sam as I walked to the car "you do know I have the car keys right?" Sam said "you mean these keys" I said as I put my hands up revealing that I infact had the car keys. Sam checked her pockets to find them empty "you pickpocket" Sam said "no I'm just a unique type of Larusso" I said as I got in the car and started it. Sam then got in the passenger seat since I was in the drivers seat and we headed to Mr. Miyagi's home.

~Timeskip to when you and Sam are at Mr. Miyagi's home~ Still (Y/N)'s POV~

When Sam and I made it to Mr. Miyagi's house we went to the back where training was going to be starting for today. There we saw Dad's first pupil after me and Sam, Robby Keene "hey Robby" Sam said "hey Sam and (Y/N) decided to join huh" Robby said as he walked over. I nodded "yeah you know after a fight against Cobra Kai it reignited something within me" I said "ah excellent full attendance on day one" Dad's voice sounded as we faced him. Dad walked to the front of us "now it has been a long time since Miyagi Do has had more than one student and you think with more people your more formidable" said dad as Sam, Robby and I nodded our heads.

Then Dad walked to the Koi pond "but having more people isn't what makes Miyagi Do strong" Dad said "then what is it?" Robby said "my guess techniques our opponent won't expect" I said as I put on a smile. Dad looked down "well half right (Y/N) but remember the Miyagi Do's motto" Dad said "yeah I know Karate is for self defence only" I said "well come on to the front" dad said as he walked to the front of the dojo as the rest of us followed. Once we were at the front of the dojo, Dad used a bag of sand and began drawing a circle in the ground "so what's this about?" Sam said "we will be doing a technique that can make one person fight like there were ten but since there are three of you" Dad said as he looked at us. We looked at each other "we'll fight like there is thirty people" I said "correct so stand in the circle, and try to get in sync with each others movements" dad said as Sam, Robby, and I walked to three seperate sides of the circle.

I stood at the right side of the circle as Sam stood at the bottom of the circle and Robby stood at top of the circle. Dad stood to the left of the circle to watch us "Face me, bow" Dad said "Face each other, bow" Dad said as we did what he instructed by bowing to him then each other. After bowing we began to go over our Miyagi do techniques each of us at our own pace "no no not like that" Dad said as we stopped moving. We were confused "but dad if how are we suppose to get in sync with each other?" I said "that is a matter of you three figuring it out as well as myself" Dad said as we continued training.

~Timeskip to after training~ Still (Y/N)'s POV~

After training I decided to go to my dad for any advice he could give me about hanging out with a girl since I was going to be hanging out with Tory. He was in Mr. Miyagi's 1947 ford super deluxe convertible "hey dad can we talk I got a well... I guess you can call it a date" I said "well get in and tell me about her" Dad said as I then hop into the convertible. Dad asked where I met Tory which I replied with "well I met her at the Sushi restaurant a few days ago" I said "uh huh is she a customer or an employee?" Dad said "an employee, waitress to be precise" I said as he nods his head. I then went on and told dad about Tori as I let him talk "well if she is how you say she is then I have an idea for a place to take her" Dad said "great tell me what it is" I said "Golf N Stuff" Dad said as I smacked my forehead with my hand. 

The answer was so obvious but I couldn't see it "now I feel stupid should have thought of that before" I said as dad and I laughed a bit "hey I got an idea for getting more students if you wanna hear it" I said as that seemed to pique his interest. I then told him my idea to use the upcoming All Valley festival as a way to get students as dad and I ended our conversation and went home.

~Hey guys so (Y/N) doesn't learn the wheel technique due to their only being 3 Miyagi Do students so instead you were go over your Miyagi Do techniques when Sam and Robby were doing that.~

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