Chapter 5: Beach Club Pt 2

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(Y/N)'s POV

My family were currently at the beach club as Sam, Robby, and I were on beach chairs by the pool relaxing meanwhile dad were talking to other dads so he can convince them to let their kids join our dojo. As Sam, Robby and I were relaxing Sam looked up "oh no" Sam said as Robby and I looked at her. Robby was the one who spoke up "what is it?" Robby said "it's Aisha she and I aren't on good terms" Sam said as she sighed and I looked where Sam was looking. Suprisingly I saw "Tory" I said "who's Tory?" Robby said "oh just this girl I've been calling and texting with" I said "ooh got a girlfriend (Y/N) hmm?" Sam said teasingly as I got up.

~Meanwhile with Aisha and Tory~ No one's POV~

When Tory and Aisha arrived they leaned on the railing "this is not the beach where are the homeless people and the guys shoving casette tapes in your face" Tory said expecting something else entirely. Aisha decided to humour her "oh they'll come once the horderves are handed out" Aisha said "well well if it isn't Aisha and a new friend of hers" (Y/N) said as Tory and Aisha looked his way. Aisha didn't like this "yeah we're here you got a problem?" Aisha said "no, no I just wanted to talk to you guys and hopefully get me and you to be friends again" (Y/N) said as he crossed his arms. Aisha looked at Tory "what do you think?" Aisha said "well might as well give him a chance" Tory said as the three began to walk together.

(Y/N) began his apology "Aisha I am sorry for how I acted in school I never should have bullied you after all you are my longest friend, and if you want you can punch me in the gut for it" (Y/N) said as he finished his apology. Aisha then sighed "fine apology accepted but I will punch you for the bulling" Aisha said as she took her stance. (Y/N) readied himself "let me have it, no mercy I know your angry" (Y/N) said as Aisha punched (Y/N) in the gut hard. (Y/N) crouched down due to the impact "ow man that hurt nice punch those are some weapons" (Y/N) said "well she was the first girl Cobra Kai" Tory said as she put her hand on Aisha's shoulder.

Aisha then introduced (Y/N) to Tory "umm (Y/N) this is Tory, Tory this is (Y/N)" Aisha said not knowing the two knew each other already. (Y/N) spoke up "nice to meet you" (Y/N) said "ditto" Tory said "so I'm going to go get something to eat" Aisha said as she left the two. Once the coast was clear (Y/N) and Tory breathed out "well that is nerve racking" (Y/N) said "yeah, what are you doing here?" Tory said "dad thought it would be a good idea to use parents to tell their kids to join his dojo" (Y/N) said as Tory laughed. (Y/N) looked at the bar "want a drink?" (Y/N) said "yeah how about we get some vodka" Tory said as (Y/N)'s eyes widened.

(Y/N)'s POV

When Tory said she wanted vodka I was shocked "vodka are you serious they won't let us have vodka" I said "not unless we don't ask for it" Tory said as she leaned in and whispered it to me. I gasped and seperated from her "you mean stealing" I said "yeah why you scared?" Tory said "I know what you're doing" I said as Tory walked close to me. Tory then spoke "yeah is it working?" Tory said "damnit fine what's the plan?" I asked "you distract the guy I'll grab the bottle" Tory said as we looked at our target. We then went seperate ways to not seem suspicious "um excuse me some guy barfed near the buffet table could you go get someone to clean it up?" I said as the man rolled his eyes and went towards the buffet table.

Tory then came to the bar and grabbed a bottle of vodka and put it into her bag as we walked away "nice job you little vixen" I said "hey nice excuse people have trouble if they were doing that" Tory said as we were a long distance away from the bar. We then saw Sam and Aisha "prepare to meet my sister" I said "bring it on" Tory said "god you are hot" I said as she smiled and we walked away. When we made it Sam and Aisha Tory spoke "hey look what we got from the bar" Tory said as she showed the vodka we swiped from the bar. Sam didn't like this "(Y/N) you stole" Sam said "oh come on Sam the adults get to drink but we don't let's have some fun" I said "oh Sam this is Tory, Tory this is Sam" Aisha said introducing the two girls.

I felt Sam didn't like Tory "still though you shouldn't have stolen" Sam said "what are you a nun?" Tory said "so who's interested in a drink?" Tory said as she looked at the group. Aisha spoke "I'm in, but only one" Aisha said "that's my girl, (Y/N)" Tory said "he's fine" Sam said trying to get me away from Tory. But I didn't want to "hold it Sam I'm going to go for a drink besides it's just one" I said "(Y/N) mom and dad won't like this I will tell them" Sam said as I decided to pull out the big guns. I decided to act like I wasn't going "well Sam you convinced me that is if I didn't know you sneak out of the house to hang out with friends" I said as that shut her up.

I looked at Tory and Aisha "let's go girls" I said as the girls and I walked away from Sam and went with Tory and Aisha to drink the bottle of vodka. We walked on the beach as not many club members go on the beach "well coast is clear let's pop this bitch open" I said as Tory opened the bottle "so who's first?" Tory said as she also got out cups from her purse. Tory poured the vodka into the cups "well let's do it together all of us" I said as I grabbed my cup and Aisha grabbed her as Tory just used the bottle. I raised my cup up "cheers to karate" I said as "cheers" Tory and Aisha said as we all drank the vodka. 

Due to me not having vodka before my face made a face like when you suck on a lemon for too long "(cough) (cough) that is new (cough)" I said "yeah that stings the throat" Aisha said as we then laughed even through it all. After drinking the Vodka we went back to the Beach club "hahaha for real you gave her a front wedgie" Tory said "I split that bitch in half" said Aisha "I actually have the whole thing on video" I said as we erupted into laughter. Sam's voice sounded "hey my mom is missing her wallet" Sam said "sucks for her" Tory said "look just give me the wallet and I won't call security" Sam said as I couldn't believe what she was accusing Tory of. I spoke "Sam do you realize the accusation your saying?" I said "yeah Sam she was with us so she couldn't have stolen anything" Aisha said trying to make Sam believe her. 

But Sam wasn't having it "yeah right just like she didn't steal a bottle of vodka" Sam said "I didn't steal from your mom, bitch" Tory said getting upset and she tried to walk away. Sam then tried to grab her bag "SAM DON'T" I said but it was too late as Tory grabbed her and pushed Sam into the buffet table. Sam was covered in food and chocolate as Tory walked away "some friend" Sam said "you shouldn't have accused her" Aisha said "she is right, Sam I'm disappointed" I said as Aisha walked off and I helped Sam up. After everything that has happened Sam got cleaned up as Sam, Mom, Dad, Robby, and I went home as I decided to call Tory.


Tory: Hey (Y/N)

(Y/N): Hey Tory. look I'm sorry about Sam it wasn't cool what she did.

Tory: Yeah well she did do something stupid.

(Y/N): Yeah after all she messed with you haha.

Tory: Damn straight.

(Y/N): well I better hang up before Sam decides to listen in.

Tory: Alright hey how about we go out tomorrow I have a day off from my jobs.

(Y/N): Tory are you asking me out? Because if you are then I say yes.

Tory: Okay pick me up at Cobra Kai at 6:00 ok.

(Y/N): You got it bye.

Tory: Bye.


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