Chapter 4: The Beach Club Pt. 1

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(Y/N)'s POV

It was the day after the All Valley Festival, and I was at the dojo Sam was stretching, Robby was punching the punching bag, and I was going over techniques. We were still trying to find ways to promote Miyagi Do after what Cobra Kai did "so do you have any ideas on how we can promote the dojo?" I said as I was hoping for an answer. Sam spoke "maybe if we show them what we can do it might draw in students" Sam said "we tried that it didn't work, we need to show Miyagi Do's offensive side" Robby said as he stopped punching. I stopped training "well hopefully Dad finds a way to do it" I said as I decided to check on him since he was at the front of the dojo.

When I went to the front of the dojo dad was under the 1947 ford super deluxe convertible "hey dad working on the Miyagi mobile" I said with a chuckle. Dad got out from under the car "yeah figured it's time to give the ol girl the care she deserves" Dad said as he went into the car and and started the car. Dad raised his arms "YES" Dad shouted "good job but why now?" I said "well look at this you got the banana mobile working" Sam said as she and Robby walked over. Dad then spoke "hope in we have a place to be" Dad said as Robby, Sam and I didn't question him as we got in. Dad then began to drive to where we were going.

~Meanwhile at Cobra Kai~ No one's POV~

It was a day like any other in the Cobra kai dojo as people like Johnny Lawrence, John Kreese, Miguel Diaz, Hawk, and Aisha Robinson along with the other Cobra Kai's were lined up in rows. There was also some newbies since Cobra Kai won the 50th Annual All Valley Karate Tournament and crashed Miyagi Do's All Valley fest. As Johnny was walking around he spoke "stand up straight ginger twins" Johnny said as the two ginger boys stood straight. Johnny continued looking at the new students when he came across a man with brown hair, brown beard, blue eyes, a blue shirt, black trousers, and nike shoes.

Johnny walked in front of him "uh sorry parents can't stay it's a insurance thing" Johnny said "I'm not a dad I am here to kick some as sir" Chubs said looking at Johnny. Johnny then had a confused face "wait don't I know you from somewhere?" Johnny said "yeah I sold you the mirror, we kind of bonded over rock bands" said Chubs as Johnny still kept his same stoic attitude. Johnny then replied with "yeah well this is a class for teenagers" said Johnny "well I'm not afraid, plus my mom doesn't charge me rent so have a lot of cash to burn" Chubs said holding up a dollar. Johnny took it "okay I'll consider this a trial run" Johnny said as he took it walked to the front of the dojo.

Johnny spoke "I thought my last group was pathetic, if you do what I tell you to do you will have a chance at being a fighter" Johnny said as he paused for a second. Johnny then resumed "but to do that you gotta fight, so which one of you thinks they have the balls to take on the champ" Johnny said waiting for an answer. The dojo was silent for a while, but as Chubs was going to talk a someone else beat him to it "I'll take him on" said the voice as everyone turned to the voice as it was revealed to be Tory. Johnny began to slowly walk her way "oh you will" Johnny said "I saw your demo at Valley fest, you guys can put on a show but can you fight" Tory said full of confidence.

Johnny seemed to like her confidence "that sounds like a challenge" Johnny said "I like a challenge" Tory said "Mr. Diaz show this newb how we do things" Johnny said as all the students made room for them. Miguel and Tory went to the centre of the mat "don't worry I will go-" Miguel said only to recieve a kick to the gut by Tory. Miguel recovered "okay then game on" Miguel said as he assumed his fighting position.

After Tory took Miguel to the mat she still held him down as Johnny and Kresse looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

~Meanwhile with the Miyagi Do's~ (Y/N)'s POV~

As dad was driving Robby, Sam and I began to wonder where we going to the beach club "I don't get why were going to the club dad shouldn't we get kids to join us?" I said clearly confused. Daniel then responded with "it ain't the kids I'm after it's the parents" Dad said "so you're hoping kids will listen to their parents" Sam said as she tried to get an answer. Dad then spoke again "I'm hoping the parents will want to protect their kids" Dad said "sounds like a plan" Robby said as we eventually made it to the beach club. Mom was standing by the entrance waiting for us "nice wheels daddy-o maybe you can take me for a ride" Mom said "that I can do" Dad said as my parents shared a short kiss.

We all began to walk to the Beach club "hey doesn't Joel have a kid in Reseda?" Dad said "uh yeah a son I think" Mom said as they continued to walk to the Beach club. Meanwhile Sam, Robby, and I were slowly walking to the Beach clubs entrance "hey you ok Rob?" I said "yeah it's just... I worked here" Robby said "really when?" Sam said as this piqued Sam and I's attention. Robby answered Sam's question "last summer" Robby said as we went inside the beach club.

~Meanwhile with Tory~ Tory's POV~

I was walking around a store that was near my dojo with another member of Cobra Kai when I heard a notification coming from her phone "let me guess dick pic" I said stricking a conversation. She looked my way "no, it's my mom she wants me to go to the beach club" said the girl "oh man that sounds so horrible" I said sarcasticly as I turned to face her. She then told me her problem "no it's this girl Sam me and her aren't on good terms, I'm Aisha by the way" Aisha said "Tory" I said "you seem like you can kick ass why do you need Cobra Kai for? Aisha asked me as I told her why I wanted to do karate. Aisha then noticed my spike bracelet "that's a nice bracelet" Aisha said "oh it's not for decoration, some guy tried to grab but I blocked and gave him a gift to remember" I said as I showed a blocking move.

Aisha then spoke agin "hey do you wanna come with I could use the back up?" Aisha said "why not could be funny" I said accepting her offer. Aisha and I then walked to her car as we began to drive down to the Beach Club.

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