Ch.2 Routine Change

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Hawa's POV.

"I'm just doing half day for the party." I said.

"Oh her party's today?" Taha asked.


"I won't be doing nights for a week thank God for that." he said sounding very relieved. He hasn't been getting sleep. His eye bags were proof of that.

"You can catch up on 2 years of sleep now." I said and he laughed.

"I'm excited."

"You should be. You deserve it."

"Hey actually do you mind picking Hamza up. I cant get out of today we're short staffed I feel bad he's going to cab it home." He said looking at me sounding so hopeful. I wanted to tell him no.

"Uh I don't even know what he looks like!" I said nervously. I really don't want to pick him up.

"I'll send you a picture. Please Hawa come on." He pleaded taking my hands.

"Uh sure" I said drawing my hands back. why didn't I come up with an excuse!

How do I tell him I myself haven't been driving. My license got suspended. But I'm not embarrassing myself.

I ubered to the airport and waited in the airport for this Hamza.

Finally I saw him. He was very tall. I felt a little scared to approach him. Why am I so socially awkward around Taha's family.

"Uh hi. You must be Hamza." I said holding out his picture on the phone like an absolute creep. He stopped and chuckled a little at his picture.

"Oh are you Taha's wife?" He asked.

"Ya that's me." I said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. I'll show you the car. So basically Hamza what happened is I ubered here." I said and he began to laugh.

"I could have just cabbed it." He said laughing.

"You're a visitor I didn't think it would be nice." I said trying to sound honest.

"Oh God you're being so formal. I come here all the time." He said chuckling.

"You didn't come for the wedding tough."


"Oh." I said.

"I couldn't at the time."

"Ya ya Give me the excuses." I said folding my arms.

"Oh I have a book of them."


I helped with dinner and got ready right after.

"Hawa." Taha said shutting the door and storming in.

"What." I said flipping my hijab.

"How could you bring Hamza in an Uber?!" He whispered staring me in the eye. Why was he so mad. And why does Hamza have such a big mouth? Couldn't he shut up about how he got here. Geez.

"Because... well you expect me to drive?" I ask.

"Um yes? Usually that's what we do when we get our damm license. What did you think?" He asked putting his face right in front of mine.

"I'm gonna be late." I said moving to the side.

"Why did you Uber him?" He asks again taking my arm and turning me around. Great.

"Because my license got suspended." I said quickly shutting my eyes.

"You-YOU WHAT." He asks surprised.

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