Ch.1 A day in the life of Hawa and Taha

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Hawa's POV.

I got home at around 9 and headed towards the kitchen.

"Hawa's home!" Danial shouted running out of the kitchen in nothing but his diaper. His long curly brown hair flying behind him as he ran.

"Go get in the tub. She's gonna bathe you donkey!" His mother shouts. I hope the neighbours don't hear this conversation.

"You get in the tub!" He shouts back making me chuckle.

"What're you laughing at? Go bathe him. And please shampoo his hair it stinks. Allah knows where he puts that head of his." Tasneem said walking into the kitchen.

"Let me just have something to eat then I'll bathe him." I said opening the fridge.

"Ugh Hawa its almost 10 pm. Please eat after, Ayan is going to be home soon I wanna be there before he does." She pleaded. Her thin dark brows always seemed to catch my eye. I wonder if she dyed them.

"Tasneem I just did a 14 hour shift I haven't eaten since breakfast please I'll be quick." I begged.

"Fine. Have some vitamins Wallah you look like the homeless cats with their ribs out. I'm gonna call Taha and tell him to buy you some, it's embarrassing."

"Leave it. He works day and night for his money not to waste it on vitamins for his wife."  My mother in law said walking in.

She was old and short unlike Tasneem who was relatively tall. Her hair was in between grays whites and a few black ones. She wore small gold earrings and bangles that she never took off.

"Ok then you feed her some proper meals look at her." Tasneem said pointing at me with her eyes darting at me . She had beautiful hazel eyes like Danial.

"She's fine. These days girls like to diet she likes to starve so what? Leave her alone. Go my love, go bathe my stinky grandson." My mother in law said and I nodded.

"Please hurry." Tasneem said as I walked passed her.

I snuck behind Danial and carried him to the bathroom.

"I don't wanna baf!" He shouted as I put him in the tub.

"Danial you're going swimming not taking a bath." I said turning the water on.

After his bath I dried him up put some lotion, powder and oil on him and got him changed into his Batman pj's.

"I not Danial I AM BATMAN!" He shouts excitedly.

"Come on your moms waiting for you." I said taking his hand.

"I want to stay wif you Hawa." He said quietly giving me the sad puppy dog eyes. His brows furrowed closer together sadly. He kept his gaze down exposing his long brown lashes. He was so adorable mashAllah.

"Danial how many times did I tell you she's your aunty. Don't call her by her name." His mom said sternly.

"Can me and aunty Hawa have a sweep over togever today." He asked again looking sad as ever.

"No not tonight. Baba's waiting for you at home let's go it's late." She said taking his other hand.

"Good night Batman. I'll see you later." I said with a small smile.

"Good night." He said quietly. He was sad. I went to my room got my pj's and went to take a shower.


"Ya ok Walaykum Salam." Taha said throwing his phone onto the bed.

"Salam Alaykum." He said taking his white coat off.

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