Ch.6 what is normal?

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Hawa's POV.

I had to put all my stuff back in Taha's house. He was finally coming back. I have to say I missed him. His presence. I was use to having him around.

"He should be here any minute now." Tasneem said.

"Uncles caw's here!" Danial shouts.

"I don't know why this boy is alway shouting." Tasneem says sounding annoyed.

"He probably gets it from his mother." Taha's mom says making me laugh.

"Oh ya funny." Tasneem says squinting her eyes at her mother.

We all stood by the door whilst Adnan helped with the bags and they all came in. I watched as he side hugged his mom and his sisters than pulled Danial into a tight hug.

"Hi." He said coming to me with a huge grin planted on his face.

"Hi, good to have you back." I said smiling back. Why did I feel so awkward? This is so much better in the movies.

"You guys could make it in the world record for most awkward couple. Holy." Tahera groaned going inside the house leaving just the two of us.

"How's she been" Taha asked.

"Good." I said.

"Let's hope she stays that way." He said leading me into the house.

Once everyone ate and talked they all headed home. For once Danial never asked if I could go with him. He fell asleep early he must have been tired.

I realized I was going to share rooms with Taha. His room was definitely not a two people bedroom. But he was barely home anyway so I don't think it matters.

"So how are we doing this?" He asked looking at me.

"Doing what?"

"Never mind. You wanna change?" He asked and I nodded.

Taha's POV.

While she went to change I set my blankets down and laid there. I didn't know how things would be normal. What our normal would look like.

I watched as she came out of the washroom with her light brown hair tied back into a ponytail. Her oversized shirt loosely flowed over her body. She looked so much smaller than I last saw her. I'd be lying if I said I never missed her.

Seeing her waiting at the door for me alone made me feel so excited.

"You sure you're okay down there?" She asked looking at me.

"Ya. I'm gonna talk to my mom about switching rooms with Tahera. It's bigger." I said.

"Oh don't worry about that. We both work anyway. Let her keep it." She said switching the lights.

We talked a bit more until we fell asleep.

The morning after I had interviews with pharmacies and hospitals. After I went to Tahera's school to surprise her. She always told me to pick her up and drop her off. I felt bad making her walk but it wasn't so convenient.

The school gave me flashbacks. I checked my watch. 3:10pm. She should be out by now. It's been 20 minutes since the school bell.

I parked my car and went towards the building. I called my mom to  ask her if she'd had any contact and apparently there was a basketball game. Useless.

Why did Tahera want to watch it?

I went into the gym and looked around but didn't see her. Great. I guess I'll just go for the office and ask them to call her there in the announcement.

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