Ch.3 Inquiry.

146 19 35

Hawa's POV.

It was kind of weird having Taha here at this time. I'm so use to our routine.

"I'll tuck you in get in bed." He said getting up.

"Hm. You wanna sleep up here? I'll sleep down there. You have 7 hours of sleep tonight so let me tuck you in." I said standing up in front of him making him laugh.

"Why are you laughing Taha. Lay down." I said sternly. I hope he takes me seriously.

"You're my wife, you think Im going to let you sleep on the floor." He said wiping his eyes.

"Yes? You slept there so? I can too." I said.

"Don't be stupid Hawa. You have sensitive bones you  might hurt yourself or maybe roll under the bed." He said teasing me.

"Taha you're being so dramatic. Our bones are the same stupid. Sleep up here Im being serious."

"Hawa. No."

"Taha yes."

"Hawa stop being a kid."

"Taha. Look at your eye bags. Stop arguing come on go to sleep now."

"Im not arguing. Im a guy how am I going to let you sleep there while I sleep in comfort." He asks looking me in the eye.

"I would feel happy seeing you sleep comfortably for long hours. So for my happiness you can sleep up here can't you?" I asked and he didn't say anything. Our eyes locked for a few minutes we stood there in silence.

"You're tired come on." I said pushing him lightly tucking him in.

I turned the lights off and laid on the blankets and pulled the blankets over myself. It smelled just like him.

I couldn't help but smile to myself.

Taha's POV.

I heard her wake up and quickly shut my eyes. I knew she'd be upset. I just could not sleep knowing she was sleeping down there.

"You better be asleep." She said quietly.

"You're so much cuter sleeping." She whispered then started whispering some dua's.

I could feel her blow on my face. Then suddenly her hand gently held onto mine.

Why did we agree to that life. Why was I so immature.

After  A couple minutes I slowly checked to see if she had fallen asleep.

I lifted her up slowly hoping she wouldn't wake up and placed her on her bed and tucked her in. I laid down where she once laid then reached my hands to hers and held it the way she held mine then rested my head back onto the pillow.

I know she feels bad for me. But I've been use to sleeping here.


"Taha if you're planning to be late then keep sleeping!" Her voice woke me up from my beautiful dream.

"I'm up." I groaned.

"We're not up until we're standing" she teased while she laid there on the bed looking at me from the bed like a kid.

"Ya ya."

"How are you getting to work?" I asked standing up.

"Uber." She said.

"My God." I said scratching the back of my head. I felt so tired.

"Breakfast will be ready in 45 so be ready." I said going to the washroom.

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