Ch. 4 Our past.

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Hawa's POV.

At 19 I had found my person. He had a certificate  in finance but chose to work in a warehouse. He was a practicing Muslim he was decent looking and overall a good guy. Ayub Arslan. We lived hours away but we spoke frequently. He would talk and I would listen.

"Why didn't you pick up my call?" He asks curiously.

"I was out with my cousins." I said.

"I missed you man." He said making me blush.

"Anyway our nikkah is happening soon can you put the dress on I want to see how you look!" He said and I told him I couldn't. I wanted him to see me on the day of the nikkah.

"Hawa." Adnan called out I quickly said bye to my fiancé and went down to see Adnan.

"You called?" I asked.

"Ya I got you something." He said bringing out a small jewelry box.

"I love it!" I said putting the bracelet on.

"I'm glad you like it. I got this for Saba. Will she like it?" He asked.

"It's beautiful she will love it!" I said smiling.


The day of my nikkah came but there was no groom. I was hiding in my room listening to the conversation behind my door. Too embarrassed to come out.

"I will not marry Saba." His words shook everyone.

"What do you mean, everyone is here! The bride is here." One of my aunts said.

"I cannot marry Saba. Everytime I see her it will remind me of her brother. I wont be able to give her a good life. It will cause me pain just at the sight of her let alone live with her. They broke my sisters heart. Lied. They hurt her!" Adnan said, his voice filled with anger.

"That is not under their control! You're going to break another girls heart. That is not justice!" My mom argued.

"Then where is Hawa's justice! Where is it? Why is she broken! How is that fair to her. You want me to smile and dress up while my sister is hurting?I'm her brother not a monster! I don't care what anyone says Tell them there's no wedding! Eat and go home. And if Ayub comes back home you let him know if I see him I will break his bones." Adnan threatened furiously.

I shut the door quietly. I felt my vision fog up as hot tears coursed down my cheeks. I squeezed my eyelids shut hoping the tears would stop themselves but they wouldn't. Before anyone could walk in on me crying I went into my washroom and turned the tap on. I removed my fake lashes and splashed some cold water onto my face to cool my face down. I took my facial wipes and wiped my face down with the tears still streaming down making my eyes sting. Once I changed out of my still unzipped dress and into my pj's I sat down on my bed to process everything. The tears finally giving up , defeated.

As much as I understood what Adnan was doing. It was unfair to Saba. I don't want them to suffer. The last thing I need is her to feel the way I do. To suffer for something she had nothing to do with.

There was a quiet knock on the door, then the door squealed open. My mom came in and sat at the edge of the bed taking my hand, her face filled with worry. I couldn't see her like this.

"I'll talk to Adnan." I said reassuring her.

As much as I wanted to stay in my room and lock myself up forever I had to convince Adnan first.

Taking the courage left in me I knocked on Adnan's room door. A few minutes later he opened the door. His jaw was clenched but slowly withdrew and formed into a frown. I watched as his fists slowly loosened. His eyes became soft and the cold look faded away as he saw my face. A look of disparity if not sympathy was clear on his face.

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