Chapter 9. Hold me.

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I changed and got into bed and watched as Taha walked in after me. He went into the washroom then came out minutes later.

"Are you planning to kill me or something?" He asked breaking the silence.

"What? No!" I said.

"Why are you watching me like that."

"Because I can." I said laughing.

"Uhuh?" He said pulling his shirt over his head.

"Why is it so hot today what the hell is up with our weather." He said opening the window.

"Time to bring the fan in." I said.

"Do you mind if I sleep on the bed?" He asked.

"Ya it's your bed." I said nervously laughing. I didn't want him to think I was worried.

"Good." He said getting in bed next to me whilst he faced me.

"Hawa there's something bothering me." I said.

"What is it?"

"I can't say it but it's in my head. I just wanna push it away."

"Throw out words I'll make sense of it as best I can."

"You always know what to say." He said. I felt his hand on my waist and I felt butterflies. My heart began racing faster.

He pulled me closer and then wrapped his arms around me. I quickly shut my eyes and pretended to sleep.

"Hawa?" He asked.

"You fall asleep so easily." He mumbled to himself. I felt his hands on my face as he tucked the strand of my hair behind my ears.

"I just want to let you know that I am so thankful for you Hawa. Wallahi, not a day goes by where I don't thank my lord for you."  He whispered.

I held myself from smiling.


I woke up and felt a huge weight on my legs. Good Lord.

"Taha move your leg." I said trying to push it off.

"It's already Comfortable." He mumbled.

"Taha get up I need to pray."I whined.

"Help me get up too." He mumbled.

"Ok then move ur leg."


"Okay. Let's exchange. You give me a kiss and I move my leg."

"Taha are you in crack move your leg."

"Give me a kiss."

"It's early morning our breaths stink."

"So you would if it wasn't morning."

"Sure yes. Now move ur leg."

"Ok I'm a man of my word. You are free to go my love." He said moving his leg off me.

"Crazy kid." I said getting up and going to the washroom to make wudhu.

I made wudhu prayed and changed and headed to work.

I came back and had dinner and headed up.

"Ok so rmemeber in the morning we discussed an exchange." Taha said pulling his shirt over his head.

"Don't you have other things to think about." I said laughing as he walked towards me.

"Ya." He said as I stepped back to avoid him smacking into me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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