Ch.5 Hawa's return.

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Taha's POV.

Once she left I went back to the hotel and checked out. I met up with my friends then went home.

Adnan was outside and I knew the look he gave me. He wanted to talk.

"Mama said invite Adnan for coffee." Tahera said sticking her head out.

"My moms inviting you." I said and he nodded and I led him into my home.

We had dinner and I couldn't help but keep Adnan under my observation. What was so special about him that carried so much respect and power. I watched as he kept his gaze down. He made occasional eye contact only with me. But when my mom or Tahera spoke to him he would keep his eyes lowered. I envied his modesty.

Suddenly he broke the news saying Hawa was home. I was surprised.

"Oh she didn't tell me." I mumbled pretending like it didn't bother m when it really did. I wanted to talk about our kiss. Well not exactly talk about it but apologize or ask if she felt something. Because I definitely did.

"She told me her phone was dying. I called her exactly when she landed, nothing to worry about." Adnan said looking at me with a reassuring smile.


"She's knewly married she'll learn." He said putting his hand on my shoulder reassuring me. Could he tell I was offended?

"Don't worry Adnan, he doesn't take anything to heart. He's just a boy." My mom said and Adnan nodded.

I'm not a boy. I'm a grown adult. 20 for Gods sake. But I can't argue this I had nothing to prove. But once I finish becoming a technician surely my mom will stop this.

My mom never respected me or my work ethic. I hated her for it. But I could never say that to her, afterall she is my mother. But I wanted to feel what Adnan felt. I wanted to have that respect, I wanted my mom to tell me she was proud of me. That she respected me and what I've done for the family. But she didn't. Paying bills and buying grocery's since 16 had gotten me nothing but sleep deprivation.

"When are you graduating?" Tahera asked with her eyes focused on Adnan.

"In 4 years."

"Wow me too." She lied. That's embarrassing.

"You're graduating at 20?" I asked slowly tilting my head to her and she gave me a petty smile.

"Oh sorry I'm horrible at math I could use some tutoring." She said laughing it off. I knew what she was doing. I shook my head side to side embarrassed for her deeper attempt.

"Taha looks like your sister is asking for your help." Adnan said and I looked at her with a disgusted face.

"Oh ya. My help." I said sarcastically. I couldn't tell if Adnan could see through was she was doing or if he was genuinely oblivious that she was trying to set him up with herself.

"She's a child isn't it your duty to help?" He said making Tahera's face go pale. I'm so glad he called her a child.

"Never mind." Tahera snapped taking his rejection.

Suddenly the door bell rang and I opened the door to see Tasneem walk in with her husband.

She greeted us with Salam, she was surprised to see our neighbour Adnan at our dinner table. She better not get any ideas for Tahera.

After dinner Adnan led Isha salah and decided it was time to go. My mother insisted he stay longer but he said he'd come another time.

"I can't believe Hawa didn't call to let you know she landed safely. After all you are her husband." Tahera said looking toward Tasneem.

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