SIX , false accusations are outdated

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       AN ABSURD AMOUNT of time was spent in the apartment complex in Reseda

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AN ABSURD AMOUNT of time was spent in the apartment complex in Reseda. It was grueling work, too, in some ways. Dylan struggled with some of the test questions but she had it in the bag. Johnny held out flashcards in front of her.

"Okay this one's the most important. If you get it wrong you're cleaning up my dojo for a week." Johnny pointed at his beers. "You also owe me a six pack of beers. Hope you're ready," Johnny said steadily. She stared at him, waiting for the final question. "What genre . . ." He paused for effect. "Is Die Hard?"

"That's literally obvious," She said, like anyone knew that. Seeing how this was Johnny Lawrence and he definitely had something else in mind. She began to sweat. Then she thought about it. "Oh, you're waiting for me to say it's a Christmas movie, right? Because it is," She responded with ease.

He stared at her for a long moment while Miguel third wheeled with his chin in his palms.

"Dammit." He turned to Miguel. "She's too good at this."

"Yeah but that's not even a question with a solid answer. It's all opinion based. She could have said anything," Miguel said like Johnny should have known that.

"Yeah, whatever. No takebacks," Dylan said before either of them could say anything else. "What would you have even had me do if I lost? Fake my age and buy you alcohol?" She asked him. Johnny was out of his mind if he thought she could pass for twenty one.

"Don't you have a fake?"

". . . No?"

"What? When I was your age I did. All my buddies did to. Your generation is so lame," He remarked like it was obvious.

"You're also the guy that beat up Mr. LaRusso in high school so I'm not really sure you and your friends were that great either," Dylan crossed her arms.

"How do you know about that?" Johnny demanded. "You know the LaRussos too?"

"Sensei, everyone does. Sam and Dylan know each other from school too," Miguel answered for her.

"You can't exactly avoid them, Johnny. Besides, I babysat Anthony once like three years ago while they were at a convention. Kid sucks but the money was good. They're kind of loaded," She commented.

"LaRusso's daughter wrecked my car," Johnny revealed to her. Dylan's eyes went wide at the revelation. It made sense considering he currently had a car that was definitely way too good for his payroll. Johnny wasn't exactly swimming in dough like Miguel said he once was.

"She apologized!" Miguel exclaimed. "Besides, she wasn't even the one that did it."

"You know what they say, Diaz. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree," Johnny sneered. "Stop protecting your ex anyways."

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