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— "Harry. Water." Dumbledore begged.

"Agrumenti." Harry filled the bowl up with water instead of potion. He tried to scoop it but it wouldn't work. It went straight through. That meant the water nearby them would have to suffice.

"Harry, no. Let me. I have a bad feeling."

"All the more for me to do it," Harry reasoned. He leaned over by the water, carefully.

The light in the sky fell. It went dark. And cold. Like there was no life.

Is this what being sucked the life out of a dementor feels like? Finley thought to herself.

"Lumos," Finley muttered and her wand tip glowed. She could hear Harry's breath pick up. She heard him repeat the same charm to his wand, casting him some light.

She bent over beside him, casting her wand near the water. Just as Harry dipped the shell in the water, a hand reached out and grabbed Harry's.

He shouted in protest as the thing growls. Finley kicked her leg out, knocking the connection. She backed Harry up behind her, getting him to the center of the island.

"Harry..." She said wearily as they heard splashing all around them.

Finley lit the room with her hand magic the same time Harry yelled, "Lumos Maxima!"

That's when they saw it.

Monstrous beings swam in the water, some daring to crawl ashore. Finley gasped in shock, circling around Harry with her wand aimed at the creatures.

She couldn't protect him from all sides; they were everywhere.

"Harry..." Dumbledore murmured, still on the ground.

"Stupefy! Stupefy! Stupefy!" Harry shouted at a creature at a time.

Finley raised her hands, giving her wand a twist before flicking it. The creatures howled as pain rippled through them. Some cowered back in the water, others pushed on.

"Harry, I need you to fight really hard now, sweetheart!" Finley continued to curse and hex the creatures around her.

"Sectumsempra!" Harry shouted. Finley's eyes mildly flashed with the memory of him using that spell on her just a few days ago.


"Not now, Albus!" Finley shouted back at the old man on the ground. "We are a bit busy!"

The creatures had surrounded them completely now, leaving only the center where they were uncovered.

"Bombarda Maxima!" Finley exclaimed at the ones closest to her and Harry. They flew away.

The creatures got so close, Harry started to fight them physically. Harry was dragged into the water as they held Finley down.

It's like a switch flicked in Finley's mind as she took control of the situation.

Her hands whipped around as she threw the creatures away. She lifted her hands and some of them flew up in the air, catching on fire.

Finley grabbed her wand, circling it around her head. Fire erupted around the island, obliterating the creatures. She shot fire into the ocean, killing the monster holding Harry.

Dumbledore is stood up now, waving his wand around and helping her. She searched the waters while fighting. She had sent out a certain spell that would protect Harry against anything he's facing.

She heard him before she saw him as he breaks through the water's surface, gasping for air.

The magic surrounding Harry lifted him onto the island, a visible shield placed around him.

After another few seconds, Harry is with Dumbledore and Finley. He helps Dumbledore up as Finley fights the creatures. When most of them had vanquished, she parted the sea of fire for them to escape through.

When they passed through, Finley Apparated the three of them back to Hogwarts, in Dumbledore's office.

As soon as she got there, she felt the shift in the air. The sky has grown too dark, the air too frigid.

"We need to get you to the Hospital Wing, sir, to Madam Pomfrey." Harry sets Dumbledore down as the man trips.

"No. Severus. Severus is who I need. Wake him. Tell him what happened. Speak to no one else. Severus, Harry." Harry and Finley are about to take off when the door downstairs opens and closes.

Finley grabbed Harry's arm, her breath hitching.

The time had come.

Author's Note: oh hey guys! ok so don't think me silly, but I have a song that I love with this movie franchise. it's called "softcore" by The Neighbourhood. it's featured right above this Note, if you'll give it a listen because there's this one line in the song that really goes with everything Harry Potter.
"are we too young for this?"
- J.S.


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