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— A bad feeling settled in Finley Robinson's stomach.

And when she had a bad feeling, something terrible always happened.

The air was always stale. And there was never enough oxygen to breathe in.

Everything was cold.

Like death had surrounded them from all angles.

Like their fates have been sealed.

Finley tried to not let it get to her head. Instead, she cleared her thoughts by visiting the grave that had been dug only a few weeks ago.

Here lies Dobby a free elf.

Harry Potter– her boyfriend and the boy she was destined to protect– sat beside her with the same shard of glass he's had for months in his hand.

He stared down at it as he tilted it up and down.

After a few more minutes of just staring at the misshapen sharp glass, he dropped it down onto the soft sand.

Harry reached his hand down, taking Finley's hand in his. He laced their fingers together, rubbing his thumb over her soft skin.

He leaned over, pressing his lips against the head full of fiery red hair.

Finley hadn't taken Harry's harmful words too hard to the heart. She got better, since it had been several months since they'd arrived at the shell cottage.

Harry was mad and he was sad. He had to take it out on someone. And it just so happened to be Finley.

She forgave him, of course. But her mind stung words at herself. You need to get better. You need to be able to save everyone.

So, she started to practice her magic more, becoming more hard on herself.

She practiced when everyone in the home went to sleep. Because of her insomnia, she would stay up most of the night easily, which enabled her to practice her magic.

Finley would get some sort of sleep, mostly in the afternoons to take a small nap.

It was a scheduled thing her and Hermione did.

They'd sit in the hammock and read. Well, Hermione would read, Finley would sleep.

Ron noticed her behavior, he had for a while now. He spoke up about it to her, questioning her with a sense of brotherly worry.

But she brushed it off with a simple reply and a bright smile.

Harry stood up from his place in the sand. He pulled his hand up, picking Finley up to stand beside him.

He started to lead her down the hill and back down to their home they've stayed in for the past month and a half.

"It's beautiful here," Luna commented through the open home.

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