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Rubble crunched underneath Finley's leather boots as she made her way with the other three to the castle, where it was eerily quiet and calm.

Her boots had slowly come untied through their battle, and Finley hadn't stopped to retie them yet. It made a constant slap noise every time the string smacked against the pavement.

"Where is everybody?" Hermione questioned as they stood in the courtyard at the front of the school.

Finley scanned the premises. Small fires were spread around. Bodies lingered a few places, but not as many as there once were. Harry limped beside her, having to pause here and there.

Finley did slightly the same. Her hip had started acting up after a solid blow to the limb from a short running in with a troll.

Finley had caught the distant sound of voices, many of them.

She started to walk forwards again, the others slowly following after her.

Their bodies ached and their muscles burned.

Ron pushed the door to the Great Hall open, following the heavy trail of blood. The four found where everyone had gone.

Students covered the ground, all either staring blankly at the space around them or weeping. Some, very courageous and helpful, had stretchers and had begun carrying out the bodies.

Yes, they had found the bodies.

They were stacked on top of each other, too many to just lay out neatly. It was a massacre. A mass destruction caused by one man.

Ron continued on before anyone else, spotting the familiar red hair that undoubtably belonged to his family.

Hermione followed after him after another moment of collecting herself.

Harry and Finley, however, stayed put.

Finley had stayed back, just because of Harry. She knew the boy would be blaming himself; 'could I have stopped this,' she believed is what was going through his head.

Finley grabbed his hand, rubbing her other hand up and down his arm soothingly.

She started to guide him deeper in the enormous– but, destroyed– room.

"Harry," Slughorn announced as the couple passed the man who was tending to a wound Filch had on his shoulder.

Harry wordlessly continued forward, half of the reason being Finley continuing to pull him along.

"Oh, come on. What's the matter with you?" Professor Sprout questioned a student she had been tending to.

The couple passed the row of people, all looking tired and defeated.

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