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— Finley screamed in agony.

And not just the regular, pitiful sob that'd escape a person's mouth. A gut-wrenching, torturous howl.

Her body was alight with fire. Every part of her was in searing white-hot pain. Everything hurt.

"Harry! Harry– Ron and Robin! They got splinched!" Hermione screamed at Harry to gather the boy's attention.

Finley couldn't tell where she was or who was talking. She could barely remember who she was. All she knew was that it hurt.

She wanted it to stop.

Hermione continued to shout instructions at Harry. He listened diligently, getting the bottle of dittany from her bag. He was concerned.

Finley grunted as she quieted from her screams. Tears leaked violently down her face, staining her cheeks red.

She hurt so bad.

In reality, it was the left side of her body that was torn to bits. Skin was charred and jagged. A lot of the skin was no longer attached to the muscle, flapping with the movements of her body.

Okay, so let's check off:
           1. Her leg
           2. Her right side
           3. And now, her left side

"H-Help. Please." She whimpered out as she squeezed her eyes shut.

"I know, I know. I'm trying. It'll be fast. This will sting." To be able to see the wounds, Hermione had to rip the clothes off of her body, leaving the left side of her body fully exposed besides her undergarments. Instead of just a few dots on the arm like Hermione did to Ron, Hermione dripped the bottle down her wounds.

Harry held Finley down as she screamed once more at the burn.

She shut her mouth as she slowly began to collect her surroundings.

Harry sat over her, panting out in worry and strain. They were in the middle of the woods. Finley remembered the woods. She lived in them for a while before Dumbledore disrupted her life to recruit her to the Order. The trees were skinny, but tall.

Ron lay beside her, panting as his arm resealed itself from its tear.

Finley had taken more of the hit, as she was the closest to the man who had tried to follow them. She fought the man in the transportation, and was ripped from Grimmauld Place to here– the woods.

"Fin, Fin. Finley, baby. Hey, hi. I'm here." Harry hovered over her, caressing her face carefully.

Tears continued to leak down her face.

"It's okay, you're okay. Look, I have to go set up the tent before nightfall. I will be here the moment you call for me. Try to get some rest." Harry leant down, pressing his lips against her forehead.

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