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(a/n doing this look cause they look better than that grossness)

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(a/n doing this look cause they look better than that grossness)


19 years later

— Finley and Harry walked along the stone floor of King's Cross Train Station. Two of their children were far ahead, excited and giddy for their trip to Hogwarts. Their third– and youngest– child, Minnie Lily Potter, stuck to her mother's side as the crowd swarmed around them.

Harry held his wife's hand, keeping a watchful eye on his two sons– James Sirius Potter and John Rubeus Potter–(a/n I feel awful for the terrible name organization but apparently these characters are into this typa stuff) who were keeping their pace quick with their carts full of supplies.

John was named after two men in each of his parent's lives: John Robinson and Remus John Lupin.

"Come on, John!" James called, waving a hand towards his younger brother with a wide, excited smile on his face. Just like the two wizards James was named after, he was sorted into Gryffindor.

"Harold, go catch up with them. I'm going to say hello to Ginny." Finley dismissed her husband as she took note of their son who slowed down to take a look back at his parents.

Harry didn't waste a moment longer to kiss Finley on the top of her head and take off to help their son.

Minnie tugged on Finley's hand, pleading to go to the waiting redhead. Finley smiled wide as Minnie took off a few feet away to her aunt. "Aunt Gin!" Minnie greeted, attaching herself to the Zabini's leg.

Yes, you heard right. Ginny Zabini. Shocker to us all, I know.

Finley hugged the red-headed woman. "Hey, Gin. How's Ben?" She looked down into the stroller where a baby boy with a head full of black hair sat, with a pacifier in his mouth. "Hey, Benny." She crouched down, running her fingers along the boy's skin.

"Oh, you know, the usual infant behavior. Screaming, crying, keeping his parents up all night." Blaise listed off as he side hugged Finley.

Finley laughed lightly, nodding her head knowingly. "I get what you mean."

"Got another one cooking in the oven?" She heard a voice ask jokingly from behind her. Finley didn't have to turn around to know who threw the remark at her.

"Malfoy, pleasure as always. And I'll have you know, I am not expecting another any time soon." Finley turned, letting Draco carefully squeeze her to him.

"That's what you said about Minnie two weeks before the announcement."

It was a quick clear of the throat for the two to let go.

Harry approached from behind her with their two boys who had their chests puffed out protectively for their mother, a stern look on his face. "Boys," he called without moving his gaze from his wife. "Go say hello to Uncle Old-Man."

"Protective, are we?" Draco commented sarcastically as he hugged the Potter boys nevertheless.

Harry scoffed, but pulled Finley into his side by her waist. He tapped their connection softly, content when he received a tap to the heart. She giggled softly, lifting herself on her toes to peck him on the cheek.

"No need," Finley settled. Both of the men rolled their eyes simultaneously, without meaning to. The redhead chuckled.

Finley crouched down, looking into the eyes of her two sons. It was James' second year, and John's first. "Boys, make sure to behave and try your best in school."

James' eyes lingered on something behind his mother, not fully focusing on Finley.

"James," Harry scolded lightly. "Listen to your mother." He rested his hand on the top of James' head. Minnie sat on his hip, arms wrapped around his neck.

"Yes, mum." John nodded his head, smiling nervously up to the woman.

"Very well, off you go." Finley stood back up, shooing off her two sons. They both gave her waist a quick hug before running off to board the train.

Hermione and Ron Weasley join the couple's side, waving their own children off.

"Want to come over for lunch? Have some tea?" Finley offered to the married couple.

Hermione replied with a, "Yes, that'd be lovely. I'll have to run home and grab a few things from home."

"Feel free to bring Henry. He and Minnie could play whilst we converse," Harry added.

Ron scoffed. "Like we'd leave the boy alone! He's only a year old, mate."

"And is the Harry Potter offering for somebody to bring over a boy to hang out with his daughter?" Draco teased from their other side.

Harry shook his head with a noise of protest. "No way! She's only two!"

"Two and a half," Hermione corrected.

"Same difference," Harry brushed. "Point being: my daughter is never dating."

"How'd that become the point?" Ron questioned.

Harry shrugged, sticking to his answer wholeheartedly. "But anyway," Finley continued. "Draco, would you like to come over as well? Zabini's, feel free to join."

"Sounds alright. Cheers," Draco nodded. "I'll have to just make sure with Astoria."

"We're open and free!" Ginny added. "Be there around one."

The group all ceased to a quiet when the Hogwarts Express blew its whistle, preparing to leave the station.

The couple turned towards the red train, directing their attention to their kids who waved from a compartment window.

Finley and Harry Potter watched as the train left Platform 9 3/4 for the destination of Hogwarts: School for Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Finley and Harry Potter watched as the train left Platform 9 3/4 for the destination of Hogwarts: School for Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Author's Note: short, but I felt like it didn't need to be long and drag so here is this. but, hey, you have one more chapter. next chapter and it's over guys! how excited are we?
- J. S.


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