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— Finley was at the dinner table, surrounded by the Order and the children, who she had grown close with over the couple weeks.

"It's extraordinary how you do that, Tonks." Finley commented on how the woman could shift forms.

The purple-haired woman was about to respond, but Finley interrupted her by dropping her fork full of food.

Finley gasped, eyes wide as her body grew cold. It was as if the life was being sucked out of her. She cried out, gaining the attention of everyone at the table.

Her eyes flashed a shade of blue and green, a vision being seen behind them. A dementor was shown in front of her.

It had ended quickly, the feeling surpassing.

Finley panted, not knowing what to think. Her mind raced. That had happened before, when she was thirteen. Those events would occur a lot though– she would feel pain of some sort and a flash of a vision would appear in her eyes. One time, it was Voldemort standing in front of her, the scene in a graveyard. That one was the most recent.

"What was that?" Mr. Weasley questioned quickly. His face was cautious, uncertain of what just happened.

Finley sat, staring at the table. Her mind worked hard to try and piece it together. It had come to her quick and hard. It all made sense now.



"Harry has been expelled from Hogwarts!" Kingsley burst through the door of 12 Grimmauld Place, exclaiming loud for the whole house to hear.

"What? How?" Sirius questioned, on his feet in an instant. He was concerned for his godson.

"Their was a dementor attack around Privet Drive and he used the Patronus Charm in the presence of a Muggle." Kingsley explained, still out of breath from his exclamation.

"Somebody inform Dumbledore," Alastor gritted.

This event would move the extraction date to sooner.

Finley came down the stairs at the commotion, the twins following close behind her. "What happened?"

"Harry was attacked by dementors in a Muggle suburban area." Kingsley repeated.

Finley knew it. She knew it was Harry.

"Is he all right?" She questioned the dark-skinned man.

"Yes, just fine now. But he's been expelled. Dumbledore was informed, I'm sure he'll figure it out."

Just as Remus said that, the man walked through the front door. "You all need to go collect Harry. It will be safer for him here. The dementors attacked him for a reason."

The Advanced Guard immediately took action, preparing to leave.

Finley grabbed her wand off of a table, meeting in the largest room– the dining room– to be ready to walk out the door.

"Are we ready?" Alastor questioned, gathering everyone to leave. "Great, let's go."

Finley followed close behind him, her anticipation and stress level rising.

The Advanced Guard Apparated immediately after exiting the house, right in front of a townhouse. She scanned the entryway, her hand on the doorknob. "Alohomora," she mumbled.

They entered the Dursley home, being quiet as they make their way through the house.

Finley separated from them, going up the stairs. She saw a closed bedroom door. She approached it.

Finley was about to open the door when she heard a clattering down the stairs. She closed her eyes, bowing her head. She had learned that Tonks was one of the most clumsiest people in the world.

"Shh, come on!" Finley whispered down to the team. They joined her at the door. It was locked. Finley reached her hand up, slowly turning it to turn the lock.

"Very clean, these Muggles." Tonks whispered.

"Tonks, for God's sake!" Moody complained. He pinched Tonks on the arm.

"Ouch!" Tonks raised her wand with the Lumos charm, lighting up the room.

Finley moved her way to the back of the group, not yet ready to seal her fate.

"Professor Moody." She heard the boy inside the room point out in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Rescuing you, of course." He snipped, turning around to lead the group back downstairs. "Pack your bags, we're leaving."

- J.S.


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