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Hope you enjoy please vote and comment cher ami's ( ◜‿◝ )♡!


You were getting very bored of this meeting with your royal advisor. Informaly known as Min Yoongi, but as you like to tease Yoongles fits better. "Yah! Y/N listen." You rolled your eyes at him, "I am." He let out a sigh of disbelief. You were currently in a meeting with your soon to be husband; not that you chose him your parents did or else they would make you marry that bastard Kim. You furrowed your eyebrows at the thought, you've had a strong distaste for Seokjin since seventh grade. Specifically since the incedent, shivering at the memory.

"Y/N I swear. Namjoon i'm so sorry you have to marry this brat." Yoongi sighed, Your fiancé or Kim Namjoon beamed a dimpled grin at the elder. "It's fine hyung." His deep voice rung out, you looked at him and smiled slightly. You didn't love Namjoon but you felt that you could grow to. He's fine as wine and has the charms of that a prince although he is one. He's also incredibly smart, and for some reason really loves crabs. You find adoring though, the way he can actually care for someone other than himself unlike a certain someone you know. With a deep exhale you finally found yourself paying attention to the rest of the meeting.


You walked the halls heading towards your kingdoms garden. You were sporting a casual stroll look.

You made your way to a white swing seeing a smiling figure looking back at you

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You made your way to a white swing seeing a smiling figure looking back at you. You let out an excited giggle as you lifted your dress slightly and made a jogging bee line for your brother; Prince Hoseok. You two have always been close. Especially when you were younger, you always stood up for Hoseok when he got into trouble with the kids in grade school. You were two years apart however you took the thrown instead of Hobi; which he gladly let you take. Your parents didn't like you guys' dicision quite as much though. They literally stromed out of the castle and only came back a month ago. But everything was better now. Right?

You shooed your thoughts away as your brother inched over to give you room on the swing. You sat down and began swinging your legs back and fourth. "So how was the meeting with Prince Charming and Yoonie?" He asked his voice a little raspy, "It was fine. He smiled that beautiful smile of his again." You said dreamily. His smile really was something you wished to see forever. "Wow and I thought you said you weren't in love...with..him." Hoseok sighed as he saw a tall broad shouldered coming towards you with a mischevous smirk on his shamelessly beautiful face.

A scowl immediately grows on your face. "What do you want Kim?" You sighed out. He chuckles mockingly "Oh y'know Jung I just wanted to swing on the swing too. Isn't that alright sunshine?" He asked looking at your brother who looked away, avoiding any part of the life long fued you two had going on. You looked at Hobi then Seokjin; you really didn't wanna drag your brother into this so you grabbed his hand and stated, "Here take the damn swing come on Hobi."

With that you left. Not noticing the way Seokjin looked at you with furrowed eyebrows and a frustrated pout.


Hi cher ami's! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I saw a lack of Jin fanfics and thought hmmmmm lemme just (ヘ・_・)📖

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