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You stretched in a bed that you weren't sure was yours; though you didn't wake up beside anyone else. A faint scent of rasberry floods your nose and a yawn shakes through you as you mentally get ready to start your day. You got out of bed and stretched your sleep ridden limbs and walked to the bathroom inside your room. "I wonder whats for breakfast?" You thought outloud, and started a warm shower. As the shower warmed up, you slipped your clothes down from your body and got in the shower.


After a nice warm shower you got out to brush your teeth and get dressed. You decided to go with something a little more sultry for you and Seokjins date. You went to your travel bag pulling out a dark red dress with sparkles that complimented your skin tone.

You twirled in your full body mirror loving the way the dress drifted up a little and swayed slowly

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You twirled in your full body mirror loving the way the dress drifted up a little and swayed slowly. You waltzed back into your bathroom fixing your hair in a presentable manner before leaving again to make up your bed. Once finished with the minimal task you sprayed on some light African Rose perfume before leaving your room and stepping down into the cabins kitchen.

You heard the sizzling of butter and the whistle of the birds coming from the kitchen as you stepped in through the door; "Goodmorning, what's for breakfast?" You asked, as soon as the words left your mouht there were six pairs of eyes all on you, "Wow! Y/N you look gorgeous! Is that a rose scent?" Jungkook spluttered.

You smiled and let out an airy chuckle at his entusiasm, "Thank you Jungkook; you look quite nice this beautiful morning as well, and yes it is rose, you've got a soft nose I take it?" He nodded and his cheeks became a little pink at your compliment. Jungkook did indeed look very put together but he also looked comfortable and really handsome. He was sporting a black matte black dress shit with the same color dress pants and deep black blazer with silver stripes.

 He was sporting a black matte black dress shit with the same color dress pants and deep black blazer with silver stripes

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Your brother came from behind you tickling your sides making you giggle uncontrollably. "Hoseok! What the hell? Where did you come from? Stop!" You yelled slithering down onto the floor to get away from your brothers tickly hands. You took deep breathes to catch your breath, as you took in your brothers look. "Oh!" You cooed at him. "You look handsome." You smiled at him as he returned the gesture with a heart shaped beam, "Thanks Sunny!" Your sunshine was working with an all white suit with flower designs on the blazer and faint stripes on the button up, it looked really nice on him and complimented his hair and skin tone.

" You smiled at him as he returned the gesture with a heart shaped beam, "Thanks Sunny!" Your sunshine was working with an all white suit with flower designs on the blazer and faint stripes on the button up, it looked really nice on him and compli...

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Your attention finally settled on the handsome man scrambling the fluffy yellow eggs in the pan. Kim Seokjin. He looked so fine. You literally couldn't get up from the floor and you felt drool building up in your mouth. Seokjin was wearing completely black dress pants with a black blazer the black dress shirt unbuttoned three buttons down; his collarbones on show.

He looked down at you on the floor reaching his hand out for you to take; you accepted the offer as he helped you up, though he was the reason you were glued to the floor

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He looked down at you on the floor reaching his hand out for you to take; you accepted the offer as he helped you up, though he was the reason you were glued to the floor. "G-Goodmorning Jin." You stuttered internally screaming. Why do you feel like this? Why is he hot? Why is life? He just smiled and turned back to put the eggs on everyones plate which Hoseok had set up while Jungkook fixed you guys chilled cups of water.

Then you heard a quiet "If you don't want them getting suspicious you better up your acting skills." You scoffed and and rolled your eyes before statting, "I'm gonna go get Jimin and Tae for breakfast." The other hummed in acknowledgement as you walked out of the kitchen a sigh of relief escaping your lips.


After you were done with breakfast you went to your room to brush your teeth before you and Seokjins date. But before you left you felt a knock on your door it swung open revealing Hoseok giving you a suspicious look. "What?" You asked with an eyebrow raised. "Okay miss girl what's going on between you and Seok, like you called him Jin today? Like if yall fucking just say that!" He furrowed his eyebrows as he talked animatedly with his hands, you giggled.

"We haven't gone that far yet, but we kissed in the feild yesterday by the cazibo. He's taking me on a date in about five minutes if it truly concerns you Hobi." His jaw dropped and squealed, "Finally I though you'd be alone forever!" Hoseok squeaked; you let out a sigh of nerves, "I'm a little nervous." You said with a shy smile. Hoseok shook his head and grabbed your brush, fixing a few stray strands of hair "You look amazing and you're one of the kindest people I know he's lucky he even got a kiss from you Sunny!" You smiled and nodded. Hoseok finished touching up your hair and backed up.

"I guess that's true. Well I have to go Hobi see you later." You and Hoseok walked out of the room going your seperate ways, you made you way to the door before going outside straight to the cazibo.

You spotted a familiar dark haired figure under the rosed dipped tent. "Ah, right on time Y/N!" Seokjin spoke happily. You smiled, "I should've stood you up but I like the cazibo." You joked. He rolled his eyes "Yeah right. You like me and we both know it." He giggled a little before taking a seat beside him on the light pink cushioned bench. You decided not to speak because honestly, you weren't sure if you were under an adreneline rush from the kiss or if you actually still have romantic feelings for Jin.

"I brung strawberries he said and you gasped looking at the small dark wooded table with a bowl of sweet red strawberries in it. Taking one and popping it in your mouth you pointed the other end towards Seokjin and pointed to it, moving your faces closer. "Oh do you want me to eat the other end?" He asked confused. You nodded, and watched him lean towards you; your face going a little hot at the action. You felt his lips touch yours slightly as he ate the strawberry. He looked you in the eye and winked before giving you some space.

"Let's catch up shall we?"

Hope you enjoyed that! I had to make some build up for the steamy scenes y'know~ (๑¯◡¯๑)➜

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